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Romanische Kulturen: Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur / Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature (Bachelor of Arts)

Program: Romanische Kulturen: Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur / Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Program length: 8 semesters / 4 years (180 ECTS points)
Start: Winter semester 

The Romanische Kulturen: Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur / Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature bachelor's program imparts linguistic, literary and cultural-scientific knowledge and skills and a solid verbal and written mastery of the language chosen as the major topic (French, Italian or Spanish). The cultural variety and importance of the world of Romance languages is made accessible and examined according to origins and intercultural connections.

In the program, you will work intensively with the French, Italian or Spanish language, culture and literature. You will receive a comprehensive overview of the canonical topics of Romance studies and an excellent general education with historical depth. Instruction in relatively small groups is particularly beneficial for your language practice. Particular attention is paid to discipline-specific expression in the German and selected foreign language. The flexible profile enables you to design your program to be multilingual and interdisciplinary.

During study abroad at one of our appealing partner universities, you will collect valuable intercultural experience and immerse yourself in the life and culture of your host country through your independent project work. You will be individually instructed and supported in these steps. A professionally-oriented internship will provide you with insights into possible professional fields.

Major topics

You will choose a major topic language from French, Italian and Spanish, in which you have skills at the Level A2.

Furthermore, with the flexible profile, you have the possibility to design your program to be multilingual and interdisciplinary.


The Romanische Kulturen: Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur / Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature bachelor's program prepares you for a large and wide-ranging spectrum of later employment opportunities.

Professional fields for Romance studies graduates can be found, for example, in university research or university education and as employees in archives and libraries or museums. However, they can also be employed in commercial enterprises in human resources, in communications with international partners or in marketing. Job opportunities in the field of European and international organizations and institutions are also manifold. For example, with a Romance studies degree as a foundation, one can work as an interpreter, diplomat or in public relations at the State Department. Those who are interested in journalism and the media industry can write as a journalist for a newspaper, work as a foreign correspondent for radio or television, as an editor at a publisher or as a spokesperson at a foundation.
