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Indologie / Indology (Master of Arts)
Program: Indologie / Indology
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter and summer semester
Indologie / Indology refers to the scientific study of the languages and cultures of the Indian sub-continent ("South Asia").
The "Indologie/ Indology" master's program builds on the general skills acquired in the interdisciplinary “History of Languages, Literatures and Cultures” bachelor's program through the contents and fields of research of the involved philologies and the specialized knowledge from the selected Indological major topic. It serves for the specialized study of Indian original literature and the history of ideas of the diverse philosophical and religious trends in India. This is always based on the accessible source material, which is made accessible and researched with the methods of historical-critical philology.
The objective of the program is to acquire a scientifically qualified degree that enables you to independently apply and develop scientific methods and insights in the field of Indology and to transfer this to problems in other fields, and to enable access to the doctorate.
Throughout the course of the program, knowledge of text contents and methods of philological and cultural-scientific processing of primary sources in Indian languages are acquired in order to obtain scientific qualification.
Major topics
The major research topics of Indology at the Philipps University of Marburg are within fields which include the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain religions, Indian philosophies, Sanskrit and middle Indo literature (Kāvya), indigenous Indian studies (Śāstra) and reality studies.
The Indologie / Indology master's program is designed as a "more research-oriented" program which is intended to enable successful graduates to enter the scholarly university career path, but to also qualify them for all professional fields in which there is demand for graduates in Asian subjects specializing in history and linguistics (economy, journalism, libraries, archives and museums, public relations and marketing, education and translation, development cooperation, project coordination, planning staff, international insurance).
Admission requirements
Required university degree Certification of a degree from a discipline-relevant bachelor's program in the field of Indology or certification of a comparable domestic or foreign qualifying university degree.
The examination board can make admission contingent on additional academic performances and/or examination performances of 30 CP at maximum being produced. In this case, the program can be extended accordingly.
Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German Skills:
Other language skills:
Skills in Sanskrit are required. Sanskrit skills are certified by successful completion of a two-semester Sanskrit course (comparable to Module I 1 of the Marburg bachelor's program “History of Languages, Literatures and Cultures").
NOTE: The two-semester Sanskrit course can only be started in a winter semester. Sanskrit skills can therefore only be caught up when beginning study in the winter semester. In the case of admission for the summer semester, Sanskrit skills must already be acquired when beginning studies.Admission Mode Direct admission is granted with complete fulfillment of the admission requirements. Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hanneder
Deutschhausstraße 12, Room 01 A26
35032 Marburg
Tel.: +49 6421/28 24930
Office hours: by arrangementFormal questions about your application
In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at
Application & Deadline
Application for a Master's program with a degree from abroad - first semester
Application for a Master's program with a degree from abroad - higher semester
Application for a Master's program with a German degree - first semester
Application for a Master's program with a German degree - higher semester