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Medien und kulturelle Praxis: Geschichte, Ästhetik, Theorie / Media and Cultural Practices: History, Aesthetics, and Theory (Master of Arts)

Program: Medien und kulturelle Praxis: Geschichte, Ästhetik, Theorie / Media and Cultural Practices: History, Aesthetics, and Theory
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter semester

The Medien und kulturelle Praxis: Geschichte, Ästhetik, Theorie / Media and Cultural Practices: History, Aesthetics, and Theory master's program is designed for students who already have a qualifying university degree or a relevant bachelor's degree, have a special interest in the in-depth, research-based penetration of modern media cultures, and have an outstanding aptitude for audio-visual impressions.

Media studies in this context is a historical-hermeneutic discipline with a cultural-historic and cultural-scientific perspective. Focus is on the audio-visual media of film and television, along with digital media and multimedial configurations. It deals with the formation conditions of these media, with their production and reception as specific forms of socio-cultural practice, and the theoretical explanations and attributions that have accompanied and currently accompany the history of these media.

Major topics

The program focuses on the history, aesthetic and theory of media, opening up a unique and broad spectrum of research.


With its research-based alignment, this program serves not only to train and support new talent in the discipline. In particular, it also imparts the competence to incorporate scientifically well-founded knowledge and methods to the diverse fields of activity of media production and distribution, and to thereby reflect on the social and cultural importance of media practice, whether in dramatic composition for stations or production companies, in program planning and design for broadcasters, in media journalism, in cultural work and public relations, in media consulting, in the broad sector of educational work, or in the research and teaching of media studies.
