Physics of Green Technologies (Master of Science)
Business Mathematics (Master of Science)
Psychology: Research and Application (Master of Science)
Biochemistry (Master of Science)
Computer Science (Master of Science)
Psychology: Clinical psychology and psychotherapy (Master of Science)
Molecular Biology of Cellular Systems (Master of Science)
Mathematics (Master of Science)
Molecular Biotechnology (M.Sc.)
Psychology (Master of Science)
Biodiversity and Conservation (Master of Science)
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (Master of Science)
Data Science (Master of Science)
Biomedical Science (Master of Science)
Cognitive and Integrative Systems Neuroscience (Master of Science)
Chemistry (Master of Science)
Functional Materials (Master of Science)
Physical Geography (Master of Science)
Clinical Linguistics (Master of Arts)
Master of Science Physics
Sustainable Development (Master of Science)
Master of Science General Physics
Business Informatics (Master of Science)
International Literature and Book Markets (Master of Arts)
Near and Middle Eastern Politics and Economics (Master of Arts)
Semitic and Ancient Oriental Philology (Master of Arts)
Arabic Literature and Culture (Master of Arts)
Celtic Studies (Master of Arts)
Classical Archaeology (Master of Arts)
Classical Philology (Master of Arts)
Concepts of Fine Arts (Master of Arts)
German as a foreign language (Master of Arts)
German Literature (Master of Arts)
History (Master of Arts)
History of Art (Master of Arts)
History of International Relations (Master of Arts)
Indo-European Linguistics (Master of Arts)
Indology (Master of Arts)
Iranian Studies (Master of Arts)
Islamic Studies (Master of Arts)
Media and Cultural Practices: History, Aesthetics, and Theory (Master of Arts)
Musicology. History and Presentation (Master of Arts)
North American Studies (Master of Arts)
Philosophy (Master of Arts)
Prehistory / Geoarchaeology (Master of Arts / Science of Arts)
Romance Language and Cultural Areas (Master of Arts)
Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik/ Speech Science and Phonetics (Master of Arts)
Linguistics: Cognition and Communication (Master of Arts)
Middle Eastern Studies (Master of Arts)
Study of Religions (Master of Arts)
Providing Literature in the Media (Master of Arts)
Modern Arab Politics, Society and Culture (Master of Arts)
Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature (Master of Arts)
Cultural Studies (Master of Arts)
Intercultural Business Studies (Master of Science)
Social and Cultural Anthropology (Master of Arts)
Cultural Data Studies (Master of Arts)
Adventure and Experiential Education (Master of Arts)
Business Administration (Master of Science)
Economic Geography (Master of Science)
Economics and Institutions (Master of Science)
Economics of the Middle East (EMEA) (Master of Science)
Educational Science (Master of Arts)
Political Integration and economic Globalisation (Master of Arts)
European Economic and Social History (Master of Arts)
International Business Management (Double Degree, Master of Science)
International Development Studies (Master of Arts)
Motology and Psychomotricity (Master of Arts)
Peace and Conflict Studies (Master of Arts, International Joint Degree)
Political Science (Master of Arts)
Quantitative Accounting and Finance (Master of Science)
Sociology: Societies and Social Orders in Transition (Master of Arts)
Peace and Conflict Studies (Master of Arts)
International Political Economy (Master of Science) (Double Degree)
Peace and Conflict Studies (Master of Arts)
International Criminal Justice: Law, History, Politics (M.A.)
Postgraduate Course Foundations of the German Legal System (Master of Laws)