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Deutschsprachige Literatur. Text – Kultur – Medien / German Literature. Text – Culture – Media (Master of Arts)
Program: Deutschsprachige Literatur. Text - Kultur - Medien / German Literature. Text - Culture - Media
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter and summer semester
The Deutschsprachige Literatur / German Literature Master's program provides you with advanced scholarly qualification and profiling in the field of German literary studies. The international standards of general literary studies are applied to the subject area of German literature, from the medieval period to the 21st Century: to the processes of its historical changes and differentiation, to its cultural interconnections, to its interdependencies with other sub-systems of society (economy, politics, law, art, religion, philosophy, etc.) and to its social functions and cultural achievements.
As a science that analyzes textual and linguistic communications processes, systematically integrating phases of its own cultural development in historical perspectives, some of which have become alien, German literary studies also has the objective of enabling successful graduates of the program to reflect cultural outsider experiences, to relativize current patterns of perception and normative orientation and, at the same time, to apply verifiable methods with which historical phenomena can be appropriately collected, explained and presented.
Major topics
With specialized major topic and supplementary modules and research and practical project modules, the program enables further scholarly specialization in the fields of Old German Literature or Modern German Literature and in practical application areas of literary dissemination in the media, in which particularly qualified handling of the German language, literature and culture is required, outside of school and university.
If you decide not to pursue a doctorate, your acquired competencies will be of use wherever particularly qualified handling of the German language, literature and culture is required, outside of school and university. This includes scholarly and management roles, such as in
- libraries (higher civil service),
- literature archives,
- cultural history museums and
- university-related research institutions (academies, commissions and corresponding foundations).
The core area also includes the traditional field of print media (newspaper and magazine editing, publishing and bookselling), which is currently developing new digital publication options. Germanists furthermore work in public relations, cultural management, adult education and science administration.
Marburg profile
The Marburg Deutschsprachige Literatur / German Literature program is particularly recognized in the fields of scholarly editing, literary and cultural journalism and literary writing. It can qualify students for work in bookselling, theater, academies and (literature) archives, among others.
Admission requirements
Required university degree Certification of a degree from a subject-relevant bachelor's program (Bachelor of Arts) in the field of German literature or literature and cultural studies or certification of a comparable domestic or foreign qualifying university diploma.
Bachelor's programs with at least 48 credit points in German literary studies qualify for admission. Bachelor's programs with a lower amount in German literary studies qualify for admission only if at least 24 CP have been acquired in the field of German literary studies and at least 24 CP in the field of literary or cultural studies.
The examination board can make admission contingent on additional academic performances and/or examination performances of 24 CP at maximum being produced. In this case, the program can be extended accordingly.
Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German Skills:
DSH 2Admission Mode Direct admission is granted with complete fulfillment of the admission requirements. Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Dr. Barbara Leupold
Department of German Studies and History of the Arts
Deutschhausstraße 3
Room -1/2240 (= B -124), Basement
35032 Marburg
Tel.: +49 6421/28 24521
Office hoursFormal questions about your application
In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at
Application & Deadline
Application for a Master's program with a degree from abroad - first semester
Application for a Master's program with a degree from abroad - higher semester
Application for a Master's program with a German degree - first semester
Application for a Master's program with a German degree - higher semester