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Politische Integration und Wirtschaftliche Globalisierung / Political Integration and Economic Globalisation (Master of Arts)
Program: Political Integration and Economic Globalisation
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
The Master's program is a consecutive program for students with a Bachelor's degree with sociological or economic alignment.
In the process of internationalization, political and economic aspects are closely intermeshed. For example, in connection with European integration, economic interdependence, political cooperation and legal protection (communitization) of regulatory areas are often directly related to each other. Beyond that, however, there are also many other forms of political, economic and legal integration processes in the global space. The course of study therefore focuses on the mutual references and forms of mediation between economic, political and legal aspects of international integration and disintegration, as well as other forms of thematically relevant political, economic and legal processes in the global space. Students should acquire the following competencies:
- Acquisition of discipline-specific knowledge of the process of international integration/disintegration and other forms of political, economic and legal processes in the global space from interdisciplinary perspectives;
- Development of analytical skills in order to be able to systematically and illustratively identify the touch points and intersections of economic, political and legal integration forms;
- Analysis and evaluation of the – partially contradictory, partially complementary – course of international integration/disintegration and the economic, political and legal aspects of globalization.
Major topics
In the first semesters, you will acquire important fundamentals in the subjects that were not the major topic of your first degree, and then specialize in relevant fields of the disciplines of Economics or Political Science. A research-oriented colloquium and an international internship is also part of the program.
The Master program in Political Integration and Economic Globalization is research oriented. It opens up the opportunity to be involved with central scientific controversies – about the suitable theories, methods and empirical data for analysis of specific subject matter. Through the imparting of specialized knowledge and the international internship, students will be qualified for specific professional fields (e.g. work in ministries and public administrations, international and European organizations, political parties and associations, NGOs, media). Furthermore, the program will qualify students for independent research and/or a doctorate program following the Master's thesis.
Jobs corresponding to the education (research, planning and organization, political consulting, etc.) are possible in the following professional fields, for example:
- European institutions (e.g. European Commission, European Parliament)
- International organizations
- National authorities
- Associations, political parties and trade unions,
- European and international public/civil society (e.g. media, think tanks),
- International commercial enterprises,
- Science (e.g. university, research institutions).
Your qualifications can be matched to these professional fields through selective profile formation, the selection of elective modules, the international internship and particularly the Master's thesis. Intensive advisement and support from the professors of the involved subjects ensure a highly specialized and profession-oriented education.
Admission requirements
Required university degree Certification of completion of a degree from a relevant bachelor's program with an overall grade of "satisfactory" (3.0) or better in the field of macroeconomics or political science or certification of a comparable domestic or foreign qualifying university diploma.
Sufficient competencies in fundamental economics or political science skills must furthermore be certified in the completed course of study. These are present when the corresponding degree includes at least 60 credits either in macroeconomics or political science subjects and the associated ancillary sciences.
Methodological competence in the form of at least 10 CP in the areas of qualitative research, mathematics, statistics, econometrics and/or empirical economic research must have been achieved in the completed degree program. Proof must be provided of the transfer of knowledge from the areas mentioned, not of their application, as the Master's degree program is more research-oriented.
Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German skills:
Other language skills:
- Skills in the English language at Level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe"
Admission Mode Eligibility assessment process Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Regine Reck
Universitätsstraße 25
35032 Marburg
Office hours: by appointmentFormal questions about your application
In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at
Application & Deadline