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Internationale Literaturen und Buchmärkte/ International Literature and Book Markets (Master of Arts)

Program: Internationale Literaturen und Buchmärkte/ International Literature and Book Markets 
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter semester


In this study program, you will deal with issues that arise at the interface of literary production, reception and marketing in an international context – with a key focus on contemporary literature. Develop an in-depth understanding of how literary markets work, and familiarize yourself with different places of mediation in the literary field, as well as the players and institutions associated with them. To this end, the study program provides you with practical skills in working in the Book Fair’s international programs (e.g. planning the so-called “World Reception” [“Weltempfang”], contacts with cultural institutions and publishers abroad, planning and designing “Guest of Honor” appearances, etc.), in order that you learn to work independently and professionally in these areas.

This course is characterized, in particular, by its cooperation with the International Frankfurt Book Fair, as well as its national and international partners. In organizational terms, it is geared towards the annual Book Fair and its changing country focuses, and also includes permanent international fields of work of the Book Fair and its national and international partners that are deemed relevant to the course.

Focal points

The special feature of the course is its extensive practical work experience. You will complete a mandatory internship of at least three months at Frankfurter Book Fair or its national and international partners.

Furthermore, you will organize your own literature project in an urban area (Frankfurt or Marburg) with the support of your teachers.


Upon completion, you will be able to analyze the interface between literary production, reception – including translation – and marketing from a specialist perspective.

Successful completion of the study program will qualify you for a wide range of careers, particularly in the following areas:

  • International book fairs
  • Publishers
  • Agencies
  • Houses of literature and other literary forums
  • Cultural journalism
  • Research and teaching in the field of international literary and cultural studies
  • Admission requirements

    Required university degree

    We require proof that you have completed a Bachelor’s degree or a comparable German or foreign university degree program that leads to a professional qualification in a philological subject (e.g. Romance Studies, English Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Arabic Studies, General and Comparative Literature) or in the same subject area with a literary and/or cultural studies focus (e.g. Spanish, French, Italian).

    The examination board shall decide on the same or related subjects.

    Your previous studies must have a subject profile that serves as a basis for admission to the Master’s degree program in International Literature and Book Markets. A suitable basis is provided by philological degree programs, study programs with a literary and/or cultural studies focus, or study programs that focus on languages represented in the Master’s study program.

    Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German Skills:
    DSH 2

    Other language skills:

    Proof of proficiency in at least one of the following Romance languages: 

    • French, Italian Spanish at level B2
    • or Portuguese at level B1 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe”.
    Admission Mode An aptitude assessment procedure shall be performed. Information on the aptitude assessment procedure can be found on the website of Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. You can find the link under “Applications & Deadlines” below.
  • Who can answer questions?

    Technical questions about your application


    Content-related questions about the program

    Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller
    Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6
    Room: 04D09
    35032 Marburg
    Phone: (+49) 06421 28-24780

    Prof. Dr. Ulrich Winter
    Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6
    Room:  04D07
    35032 Marburg
    Phone: (+49) 06421 28-24781

    Formal questions about your application

    The admission and application process is handled by the Goethe University Frankfurt. For more information or questions regarding the process, please visit:

  • Application & Deadline

    Further information on the application procedure can be found on the website of the study program at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.
