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Humanbiologie / Biomedical Science (Master of Science)
Program: Humanbiologie / Biomedical Science
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter semester
The objective of the Humanbiologie / Biomedical Science master program is to provide training in the field of Biomedical Science qualifying students for professional work and a doctorate program. Scientific expertise and skills acquired during a bachelor program in Biomedical Science or Biology are deepened and expanded. This end is served by an education that that ranges from aspects of basic research to clinical laboratory research, imparting this knowledge in theoretical and practical, laboratory-oriented modules.
Further skills in the fields of infection biology, tumor biology or cellular biology are acquired by selecting an area of specialization.
Active collaboration in research work groups will qualify students to identify and structure scientific problems, and to search for suitable approaches to solutions.
Major topics
Three major study topics are covered in depth and expanded in the master program:
- the major topic of infection biology
- the major topic of tumor biology
- and the major topic of cellular biology.
The Humanbiologie / Biomedical Science master program qualifies you to work in the following fields, among others:
- Scientific basic research in biological and biomedical disciplines at university institutes, Max Planck Institutes and major research institutions of the Federal Government
- Research and development at institutions of the pharmaceutical industry or biotech firms
- Clinical research in laboratories of university hospitals
- Other work in clinical facilities such as clinical chemistry, human genetics, cell culture laboratories or in bioinformatics fields
- Work for supervisory authorities (e.g. the application of the genetic engineering law, environment protection)
- Responsibilities in the field of Forensics
- Work for funding agencies (such as DFG or BMBF).
Scientifically-oriented positions normally require a master-level degree.
Admission requirements
Required university degree Certification of a degree from a subject-relevant bachelor program in the field of Biomedical Science, Biomedicine or certification of a comparable domestic or foreign qualifying university diploma with a minimum grade of at least 2.6 (9.2 grade points). Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German skills:
English language skills at level B1 are a prerequisite for attending courses taught in English.Admission Mode Eligibility assessment process Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Dr. Luzie J. Braulke
Baldingerstraße 3rd Section, Room +3/18150
Tel.: 06421/5864069
Office hours: by arrangementFormal questions about your application
In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at
Application & Deadline