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Computer Science (Master of Science)

Program: Computer Science
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter and summer semester

In the Computer Science master's program, you can expand and enrich the specialized expertise you acquired in your Computer Science bachelor's program. You will complete various enrichment or advanced modules, such as from the fields of Software Design, Cloud Computing, Graphics Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Model Checking, Distributed Systems, IT Security or Databases. You can freely choose the modules that interest you most from the range of offerings.

Major topics

Database Systems, Databionics, Formal Methods, Graphics and Multimedia, Parallelism and Programming Languages, Programming Languages and Tools, Software Engineering, Distributed Systems


A successfully completed master's program enables you

  • to work independently in industry and business,
  • to manage projects which relate to the analysis, modeling and solving of scientific, economic or technical problems,
  • to perform design, development and research responsibilities in scientific and public institutions
  • to work as a scientific assistant or employee at a university,
  • to obtain a doctorate.
  • Admission requirements

    Required university degree

    We require proof of completion of a relevant Bachelor's degree in the field of Computer Science or proof of a comparable domestic or foreign university degree that qualifies the student for a profession.

    Students with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a degree in teaching at secondary schools (First State Examination or Master's degree) with Computer Science as a subject are eligible for admission. The professionally qualifying university degree must have been passed with an overall grade of 2.2 (German grade scale, lower is better) or 10.3 grade points (higher is better) or better in accordance with § 28 of the General Provisions.

    As part of the completed degree program or another degree program, a total of at least 90 credit points (CP) must have been completed in the two scientific disciplines of Mathematics and Computer Science. Of these, at least 12 credits must be allocated to modules from Mathematics and at least 72 credits to modules from Computer Science. In Mathematics, students must have acquired knowledge of the basics of Analysis, Linear Algebra and Statistics. In Computer Science, at least 36 credits must be allocated to modules that correspond to the aims and competences of the following modules: Algorithms and Data Structures, Declarative Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Systems Software and Computer Communication. Skills in the areas of Database Systems, Software Engineering, Theoretical Computer Science and Technical Computer Science must also have been acquired.

    The Examination Committee may link admission to the condition that additional coursework and/or examinations totalling a maximum of 18 CP be completed. In such cases, the degree programme may be prolonged accordingly. In any case, proof of competencies from the Theoretical Computer Science module must be provided. This module cannot be completed retrospectively by imposing conditions.

    Knowledge and skills specific to the course to be demonstrated prior to admission

    The degree programme's modules and courses are usually taught in English. A German-language course is also possible if requested by all the students in the module or course. The coursework and the examinations can be taken in either German or English, depending on the student's choice. Optional and mandatory courses may include modules imported from Bachelor's degree programmes or other subject areas in the German language, which means the choice may be restricted in some cases.

    Therefore, either

    • a) English proficiency of at least level C1* of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” must be proven. Proof is provided exclusively by a language certificate from an internationally recognized language examination. Purely English-language studies or school certificates are not sufficient.


    • b) English proficiency of at least level B1* of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" and German proficiency of at least level "DSH-2"* must be proven.

    *The linked website provides further information on the evidence and certificates required to prove that the language level has been reached.

    Admission Mode The degree programme has open admission (no NC). Direct admission is granted if the admission requirements are fully met.
  • Who can answer questions?

    Technical questions about your application


    Content-related questions about the program

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Bockisch
    Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6, Rm. 05D15
    Tel.: +49 6421/28 21515

    Office hours: by arrangement

    Formal questions about your application

    In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at .

  • Application & Deadline
