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Physik und Wirtschaft / Physics and Economics

Program: Physik und Wirtschaft / Physics and Economics
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Program length: 8 semesters / 4 years
Start: Winter semester

The Bachelor’s program in Physics and Economics is directed specifically at students interested in combining natural sciences with economics. It provides a broad foundation of expertise in the areas of physics, economics, and mathematics. In the program, you can develop your own unique profile according to your personal interests and current labor market demands.

Specialized courses and a work placement give you the opportunity to acquire interdisciplinary and personal key competencies. Among other focal areas, the Bachelor's program trains your analytic capabilities, team building and communication skills, as well as your ability to handle intense or stressful phases during the program. Internationally focused courses (some in English) and the option to study abroad for a semester respond to the demand for an increasingly international approach to science and professional practice.

Major topics

In physics, the major topics are experimental physics and theoretical physics. You can choose your own focal point in economics – according to your own individual interests and current trends on the labor market. You can select from the exciting areas of Accounting and Finance, Market-Oriented Corporate Governance, Information and Investment Management or Economics.


The unique combination of physics and economics allows you to enter exciting occupational fields. Increasingly, economics demands confidence in handling mathematical questions, and in particular a high level of abstract and analytic thinking abilities.

  • The program teaches the mathematical and theoretical knowledge necessary to work in a Quantitative Analytics department in a bank or insurance company. Graduates will be able to independently solve complex problems in interpreting and modeling data.
  • Graduates will also have the natural sciences knowledge they need to work in Controlling departments in technical industrial companies. This allows them to better recognize and quantify technical and economic risks.
  • As future decision-makers in natural sciences fields, graduates will have the economic knowledge they need to manage major natural sciences projects at official agencies and research institutions. They can apply their experience in planning and carrying out their own experiments, then analyzing and interpreting them using theoretical methods in conjunction with investment calculations and organizational processes to evaluate, improve, and manage major projects in the natural sciences.

Of course, you can also deepen your expertise through a Master’s program. These are some of the options available to you:

  • Master's in Physics - specialization and research
  • Master's in Business Administration,
  • Master's in Quantitative Accounting and Finance,
  • Master's in Economics and Institutions,
  • Of course, you can also choose to enter a Ph.D. program…