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Psychologie: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie / Psychology: Clinical psychology and psychotherapy (Master of Science)

Program: Psychologie: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie / Psychology: Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter semester

This degree programme deals with the empirical research, description and explanation of deviant human behaviour and experience in the sense of mental disorders and mental factors in physical diseases, as well as the teaching of practical therapeutic skills for the prevention and treatment of these disorders.


According to the Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG of 01.09.2020), the degree programme is a prerequisite to obtaining a licence to practise as a psychotherapist. The degree programme prepares students for independent professional practice in areas of clinical psychology and psychotherapy for children, adolescents and adults. The Master's examination constitutes a second professional degree from the psychology degree programme, which is particularly suitable for independent work in applied clinical and scientific fields.

  • Admission requirements

    Required university degree

    We require proof of completion of a relevant Bachelor's degree in the field of psychology or proof of a comparable domestic or foreign university degree that qualifies the student for a profession. The Bachelor's degree which qualifies the student to enter a profession must comprise at least 180 credit points (CP) or a degree programme with a standard period of study of 6 semesters or 3 years and must have been completed with an overall grade of at least 3.0 or 7.9 grade points.

    The Bachelor's degree programme must be aligned in content and structure to the "Recommendations of the Board of the German Psychological Society on Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes in Psychology" in the currently valid version (currently 12.2014) and must meet the requirements of the Approbationsordnung (PsychThApprO) in the currently valid version (original version dated 04.03.2020; for current amendments see corresponding announcements of the federal ministries).

    For applications from Germany with a start date for the Bachelor's degree course from 01.09.2020, the professional recognition of the 6-semester Bachelor's degree course must have been determined by the health authority of the federal state. Both the decision on the professional recognition of the degree program and its implementation by the student (e.g. corresponding elective behavior with regard to the modules; selection of internships in accordance with PsychThApprO) must be clearly certified by the university at which the Bachelor's degree is obtained or sought.

    For this, we need this certificate (only available in German) from you confirming the expected completion of the degree programme and the professional recognition of the degree programme in accordance with the PsychThApprO. This certificate is issued by your previous university. It is important that all the achievements required for licensing have been completed within the bachelor's degree programme.

    For applications from Germany for which the Bachelor's degree program was started before 01.09.2020 or which relate to 8-semester degree programs, the same applies to a certificate of equivalence from the highest health authority. For applications from abroad, an assessment of equivalence to the licensing regulations will be carried out in accordance with the agreements with the state health authority in Hesse.

    A further admission requirement is the successful completion of statistics modules and modules on experimental psychology or empirical psychology internships totaling at least 17 ECTS credits as part of the regular Bachelor's degree program. For this, we require a self-disclosure (only available in German) from you as well as confirmation through official certificates of study and examination achievements (e.g. transcript of records). It is also important here that the coursework has been completed at the time of application.

    Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admissionGerman skills:
    DSH 2

    Other language skills:
    Skills in the English language at Level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe"
    Admission ModeRestricted admission (NC)
  • Who can answer questions?

    Technical questions about your application


    Content-related questions about the program

    General student advisement, Advisement for prospective students


    Formal questions about your application

    In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at .

  • Application & Deadline
