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Cultural Data Studies (Master of Arts)
Program: Cultural Data Studies
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter semester
The degree programme "Cultural Data Studies" provides well-founded content-related, methodological and theoretical competences in the field of digital humanities and social sciences. Building on the previous disciplinary knowledge in the respective Bachelor's degree programme, students further develop their skills in dealing with digital data and learn humanities and social science methods for researching the digital or digitised world. The degree programme pays particular attention to research practice. From the first semester, students are introduced to the work of specific research projects and scientific institutions.
Admission requirements
Required university degree We require proof of completion of a relevant Bachelor's degree in the field of humanities or social sciences or proof of a comparable domestic or foreign university degree that qualifies the student for a profession. Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German skills:
DSH 2Admission procedure and program-specific documents to be submitted Eligibility assessment process Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Stefan Schulte
Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6 Room 05C07
Phone: +49 6421/28-21180
Email: stefan.schulte@uni-marburg.deFormal questions about your application
In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at
Application & Deadline