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Politik und Wirtschaft / Politics and Economics  (First State Examination / Extended Examination)

Program: Politik und Wirtschaft / Politics and Economics
Degree: First State Examination
Program length: 9 semesters / 4.5 years (240 ECTS points)
Start: Winter semester


The subject of "Politik und Wirtschaft / Politics and Economics" in the Teaching in Secondary Schools program is oriented based on the requirements of the practice of teaching Computer Science in secondary schools.

The program imparts the subject and teaching-related principles for exercising the teaching profession at secondary schools and collects initial experiences in practical teaching in schools, following academic instruction.

The program qualifies students for academic work and for the socially responsible execution of the teaching profession based on the acquired expertise; that is, through knowledge, qualifications and perspectives.

The university education imparts fundamental content in political science and professionally qualifies future teachers to analyze, plan, design and reflect educational processes in politics and economics instruction at schools.

Major topics

The content of the "Politik und Wirtschaft / Politics and Economics" program considers the core political science areas of political theory, the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany, politics and gender relations and international politics, as well as political didactics, and enables an expansion by means of specific aspects, such as peace and conflict research, European integration or political socialization.

Political education and learning democracy are particular areas of specialization.


With a degree in the "Politik und Wirtschaft / Politics and Economics" teacher training program, you will obtain qualifications which, with the subsequent teacher traineeship, will open up access to the teaching profession at schools, particularly secondary schools, on the one hand. However, a variety of other professional fields or further qualification options will also be available to you, such as a specialized Master program or a Doctorate program.
