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Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies (Master of Arts)

Program: Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter and summer semester

The Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies master's program deals with cultural phenomena of modern societies in historical and present-day perspectives, in the European context. Forms of every day ways of living and cultural identity constructs stand at the forefront. The program is research-oriented and imparts knowledge of ethnological and cultural scientific theories and hermeneutic-empirical methods for researching socio-cultural phenomena and processes. During the the program, in addition to acquiring specialized knowledge in the discipline, you will especially acquire competencies in cultural-scientific work techniques and research strategies, which qualify you for performing independent, empirical research and for its mediation in cultural work, media and exhibitions.

Major topics

In addition to in-depth knowledge in selected subfields and major research topics of Cultural Studies, interdisciplinary competencies are also imparted.
Profile modules can be freely chosen according to the set major topic (e.g. language courses, modules from Sociology, Political Science, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Religious Studies).


Through the diverse instruction content of the Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies program, successful graduates are not trained for a specific professional field, but instead have acquired the capabilities that qualify them for a variety of professional fields in Cultural Studies. They are suited for work in libraries and documentation centers, for example, in cultural-historical museums, in public exhibition work and in the professional field of media (incl. publishers), as well as the fields of politics and culture.

Many successful graduates of the program work in industries such as journalism, cultural and immigrant work, cultural consulting, etc. The acquiring of professionally qualifying skills, such as IT, language skills and various internships, are given high priority during the program.

These additional qualifications provide you with an individual profile that can be conducive to your employment search in cultural work. In addition, the Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies Master's program prepares you for work in research and teaching at universities and research institutions, both foreign and domestic.
