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Law (State Examination)

Official titelRechtswissenschaft
DegreeState Examination
Program length10 semesters / 5 years
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman

The Law program imparts essential knowledge in the fields of civil, criminal and public law, including the respective procedural law. It concludes with the first examination, which is divided into the state compulsory examination and a university portion (focal area examination). The latter offers students the opportunity for specialization. The first examination, the successful completion of which grants the title of "Diplom-Jurist," (law degree) authorizes completion of the legal traineeship, which concludes with the second state legal examination and completes the education as a fully qualified lawyer.

Major topics

The department of law offers the following major topic areas: "Law of the Private Individual," "Corporate Law," "Medical and Pharmaceutical Law," "Government and Economy, "International and European Law" and "National and International Criminal Justice."

This offering already allows in-depth specialization in one of the indicated fields during the program. The special features of the range of courses offered by the department of law at the Marburg location additionally includes the offering of two additional qualifications (Pharmaceutical Law and Private Construction Law) and the major topic program Law and Economy.


There are few professional options after the first examination. Traineeships at the Federal Bank, in archives services, in library services, at the Federal Criminal Police Office or diplomatic service can generally also be performed in place of the legal traineeship. Hirings occur here only as required, however.

The second legal state examination (assessor's examination) is prerequisite for both the profession of judge, state prosecutor and administrators in higher public service, as well as for admission as an attorney. Other potential employers are commercial enterprises (legal department/management), associations, trade unions, chambers of industry and commerce, banks, (legal) publishers (legal department/editorial office), journalistic firms and corporations (newspapers and magazines, radio and television: legal department/editorial staff), insurance companies, particularly social insurance carriers, diplomatic service.
