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Pharmacy (State Examination)

Official titelPharmazie
DegreeState Examination
Program length8 semesters / 4 years (the practical year follows)
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman

The pharmaceutical training and the examination - to be passed in three sections - in the State Pharmacy Examination Program are specified nationally by the licensure regulations for pharmacists and divided into two parts:

The first part takes place as a course of study at the university and ends with the second section of the Pharmaceutical Examination. The course of study in Pharmacy consists of a broad range of scientific subjects from the fields of Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy and History of Pharmacy. The course of study serves to teach skills and methodologies that qualify students for scientific work and for responsible performance of the profession of pharmacist.

After the main course of study and successful second state examination, the second part of the pharmaceutical training takes place in the so-called Practical Year for Pharmacists.


The majority of all licensed pharmacists work in public pharmacies. One of their important jobs is dispensing finished medications and the associated advisement of the patient.

Another attractive professional field, particularly for postdoctorate pharmacists, is the pharmaceutical industry. Interesting responsibilities here are the development of new drugs and medications, their manufacturing and quality control.

Pharmacists also find work at health authorities, investigative offices, research institutes, universities and occasionally also in wholesale pharmaceutical or trade publishing.
