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Catholic Religion (First State Examination / Extended Examination)

Official titelKatholische Religion
DegreeFirst State Examination
Program length9 semesters / 4.5 years (240 ECTS points)
Startwinter and summer semester
Language of instructionGerman


The subject of "Catholic Religion" in the Teaching in Secondary Schools program is oriented based on the requirements of teaching Religion (Catholic) in secondary schools.

The program imparts the subject-related and teaching-related principles for exercising the teaching profession at secondary schools and collects initial experiences in practical teaching in schools, following academic instruction.

The program qualifies students for academic work and for the socially responsible execution of the teaching profession based on the acquired expertise; that is, through knowledge, qualifications and perspectives in the various sub-disciplines of Catholic theology.

The essential goals of the university education in the subject of Catholic religion include:

  • Knowledge in biblical studies, the development and context of the Bible;
  • Capability for historical-hermeneutic reflection through analysis of Christendom history and its European development;
  • Reflection and independent permeation of faith elements on the basis of the central content of Christian faith and its history;
  • Competency in logical and argumentative analysis of philosophical problems and other religions;
  • Capability for the implementation of specialized content through an understanding of the forms and locations of religious activity in religious teaching in schools;

Qualification for considering and making religious positions of faith communicable, discussing theological topics and mediating theological questions and topics.

Major topics

The "Catholic Religion" program consists of the following subject areas and content:

  • In Biblical Studies, the content, literary development and the cultural and religious-historical context of the Bible are taught.
  • In the Historical Sub-Disciplines, students analyze the 2000-year history of Christendom and the associated European development to become capable of historical-hermeneutic reflection.
  • In the Systematic Subjects, students become familiar with the central content of the Christian faith. They become capable of hermeneutically, systematically and historically penetrating and reflecting the elements of faith, and understanding them in context.
  • To this end, they also analyze Philosophical Problems, practice logical and argumentative analysis.
  • They learn about Other Religions (particularly Judaism and Islam) and become capable of interreligious communication.

In the Practical Disciplines, students learn the skills to implement specialized content in religious instruction in schools.


The teacher training program in "Catholic Religion" primarily qualifies students for a career as a teacher.
However, it also imparts additional competencies and qualifications that can be useful in the widest range of fields.
In this respect, the teaching profession is not the only possible outcome, and the First State Examination is also not necessarily the end of the student's university studies.
