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Protestant religion (First State Examination/Extended Examination)
Official titel | Evangelische Religion |
Degree | First State Examination |
Program length | 9 semesters / 4.5 years (240 ECTS points) |
Start | winter and summer semester |
Language of instruction | German |
The subject of "Protestant religion" in the Teaching in Secondary Schools program is oriented based on the requirements of the practice of teaching Religion (Protestant) at secondary schools.
The program imparts the subject-related and teaching-related principles for exercising the teaching profession at secondary schools and collects initial experiences in practical teaching in schools, following academic instruction.
Based on the acquired expertise – that is, knowledge, qualifications and perspectives in the subject areas of the Old and New Testament, church history, systematic theology, social ethics, religious history and religious education – students are qualified for academic work and the socially responsible practice of the teaching profession.
The essential goals of the university education in the subject of "Protestant religion" include:
- Formulation of basic skills (can connect overview knowledge with academic-didactic methodology);
- Imparting of methodological competencies for transfer to other fields of learning (exemplary learning, transfer capacities);
- Development of religious linguistic and critical skills;
- Integration of basic knowledge and exemplarity;
- Integration of basic skills with personal development;
Integration of intra and interdisciplinary teaching offerings.
Major topics
In addressing theological content and forms of religious in history and in the present, competencies are acquired in every module that qualify students to analyze and design religious communications processes in various societal contexts.
Particular attention is given in doing so to matters of religious upbringing, education and socialization in the family, school, community and other locations of learning (e.g. adult education at academies, media work or national churches).
For many graduates, successful completion of the teacher training program is followed by the traineeship and subsequent entry into the profession as a teacher at a secondary school. Through the course of your studies, you will prepare for this entry into the profession through specialized and teaching methodology courses and school internships.
However, other fields of activity (e.g. various areas of cultural and textual work) are also always open to them after the First State Examination.
Admission requirements
Education certificates General higher education entrance qualification or subject-related higher education entrance qualification or master’s certificate and comparable certificates from advanced professional training or professional qualifications Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German Skills:
DSH 2Other foreign language skills:
NOTE: Skills in Greek within the scope of the Graecum or Latin skills within the scope of the Latinum must be certified for admission to the modules "Introduction to the Bible, Focus on Old Testament" (11300), "Introduction to the Bible, Focus on New Testament" (21300) and "Introduction to Church History" (31100).
It is recommended to be able to verify these skills at the start of the program.
Restricted admission None Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Dipl.-Pol. Daniela Linke
Lahntor 3 (Old University)
Room 02 019
35032 Marburg
Email: studienberatung05@uni-marburg.deOffice hours: normally Monday, Thursday and Friday
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Central European Time) (attention: see posted notice!)Formal questions about your application
Ellen Huth
Tel.: +49 6421/28 22222
Office hours: Mondays - Fridays 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Central European Time)Application & Deadlines