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Biology (First State Examination / Extended Examination)

Official titelBiologie
DegreeFirst State Examination
Program length9 semesters / 4.5 years (240 ECTS points)
Startwinter semester
Language of instructionGerman


The subject of "Biology" in the Teaching in Secondary Schools program is oriented based on the requirements of the practice of teaching Biology in secondary schools. The program engages with all modern as well as traditional fields of biology in order to create an interesting and diverse approach to the instruction of biology. In doing so, the interlinking of specialist and didactical aspects is essential.

The university education prepares future teachers to responsibly and conscientiously approach the embedding of biology in their societal environment, the raising of awareness of the ethical aspects of biology and the connections between humans and the environment, and their future role as disseminators of biological knowledge in our society.

Major topics

The content of the program in the subject of "Biology" considers the principles of:

  • Biology (cellular biology: structures and functions; plant and animal morphology; plant and animal physiology; neurobiology and behavioral biology; genetics, molecular biology and developmental biology; evolution and biological diversity (taxonomy), ecology, ecology of habitats and sustainable contact with nature; human biology; microbiology),
  • and Applied Biology (biological principles of health education and addiction prevention, their physical and mental aspects; biological principles of extraction, production and processing of natural products, particularly as it relates to foods and beverages, including interdisciplinary perspectives; bio-engineering, genetic engineering, reproductive engineering, breeding, including interdisciplinary perspectives).

In addition,

  • Chemistry for Biology Students (chemical and physical principles of structures and functions of biosystems; biologically relevant work techniques in chemistry)
  • and Didactics of Biology (principles for biology-based learning and teaching; principles of biology-based reflecting and communicating; biology instruction – concept and design (incl. practical school studies); biological analysis and research, as well as further development of practice)

are part of the content of the program.


The program imparts the subject and teaching-related principles for exercising the teaching profession at secondary schools and collects initial experiences in practical teaching in schools, following academic instruction.

The program qualifies students for academic work and for the socially responsible execution of the teaching profession based on the acquired expertise; that is, through knowledge, qualifications and perspectives.

Of course, the teacher training program prepares you for the teacher traineeship, but there are also other paths open to you, such as a Master's program or Doctorate.
