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Chemistry (First State Examination / Extended Examination)

Official titelChemie
DegreeFirst State Examination
Program length9 semesters / 4.5 years (240 ECTS points)
Startwinter semester
Language of instructionGerman


The subject of the "Chemistry" subject in the Teaching at Secondary Schools program is oriented based on the requirements of the practice of teaching Chemistry at secondary schools. The program engages with all modern as well as traditional fields of chemistry in order to create an interesting and diverse approach to the instruction of chemistry. In doing so, the interlinking of specialist and didactical aspects is essential.

The university education conveys to future teachers the sustainable handling of resources and the environment and prepares them to responsibly and conscientiously promote a comprehensive, critical awareness for the sustainable development of technology, society and the maintaining of the quality of life of future generations through the instruction of chemistry.

Major topics

The content of the subject of "Chemistry" considers the three school-relevant subject areas of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry/Mathematics. Added to this are a variety of fields of chemistry, such as Biochemistry or Analytical Chemistry. The design and implementation of chemistry instruction is taught in teaching methodology, both theoretically and practically.


The program imparts the subject and teaching-related principles for exercising the teaching profession at secondary schools and collects initial experiences in practical instruction in schools, following academic instruction.

Through this program you will obtain qualifications which you can apply to diverse academic and extracurricular fields of employment. Of course, the teacher training program prepares you for the teacher traineeship, but there are also other paths open to you, such as a Master's program or Doctorate.
