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Information on Deregistration (Exmatriculation)
What is deregistration (exmatriculation)?
Deregistration ends your membership at the university. After deregistration, you are no longer enrolled as a student.
Are there deadlines?
Deregistration can be requested at any time and will take effect immediately. However, you can also request deregistration during a semester, and it will take effect at the end of the semester. This way, you retain your student status until the end of the semester.
How can I deregister?
Deregistration will be processed once the completed application form is submitted. You can submit your application via the Marvin portal.
If you do not pay the semester fee for the new semester, you will be automatically deregistered "by official order." This happens without an official certificate. If you need such a certificate later (for example, for pension insurance purposes or to have your university education recognized), you will need to request it. A certificate is also required if you are changing your place of study. We strongly recommend that you deregister properly through the Marvin portal.
For more information on deregistration, please refer to § 65 of the Hessian Higher Education Act (link below).
I have already re-registered and want to deregister
If you have already re-registered, you can deregister up to one month after the start of the semester. If you deregister within the first four weeks of the semester, you will receive a refund of the semester fee minus an administrative fee of €30. The condition for this refund is that you return the semester documents you have already received (student data sheet and student ID) by mail to the Student Secretariat after submitting the online deregistration and refund application.
Note: This option is not available if you have already completed exams (e.g., submitted assignments or attended exams) in the current semester (from October 1st or April 1st onwards).
Additional links:
§ 65 of the Hessian Higher Education Act
Validity of the central user account (University account)