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Information on Part-Time Study

What is a Part-Time Study Program?

At Philipps-University Marburg, a part-time study program is one where you are required to complete half of the study achievements prescribed by the study regulations per semester.

During a part-time study program, you participate in the regular courses listed in the course catalog. This means that there is no separate schedule or special timing for part-time students.

What Are the Benefits of a Part-Time Study Program for Me?

A part-time study program offers you two main advantages. First, during two part-time semesters, only one full semester will be counted toward your study duration. This can be of interest if the Philipps-University Marburg decides to reintroduce long-term study fees in the future, as this would apply to students who have exceeded the standard study duration and any grace period.

Additionally, a part-time study program can be advantageous if your study regulations require you to complete exams or reach a certain minimum number of credits within a set time. In this case, enrolling in a part-time study program may extend deadlines. Please clarify any such questions directly with your academic advisor or the examination office.

What Should I Consider When Enrolling in a Part-Time Study Program?

  • While enrolled in a part-time study program, you are not permitted to earn more than 50% of the credit points or complete more than 50% of the assessments required in a full-time study program. If this limit is exceeded, the semester will be counted as a full semester.
  • If the reason for your approved part-time study program no longer applies, you are required to inform the university immediately.
  • A part-time study program is only possible in semesters without admission restrictions. In programs that are subject to admission restrictions every semester, part-time study is generally not possible. However, if only certain semesters are restricted, a part-time study program may be possible from the semester with open admission (see the table "Admission Restrictions by Semester" (PDF)).
  • You cannot pursue a double degree while in a part-time study program.
  • It is not possible to retroactively apply for a part-time study program for a semester that has already been completed.

Please make sure to check with the academic advisor or the examination office that there are no mandatory regulations in the respective study and examination rules that would conflict with a part-time study program.

Also, check with your academic advisor or the examination office to see if your part-time study program will lead to extensions of exam deadlines or deadlines for reaching certain credit thresholds.

Please consider the potential consequences of part-time study for your BAföG (student financial aid), child benefits, or student health insurance. Make sure to clarify the impact of part-time study on these services with the relevant authorities.

The part-time study program will not initially be indicated on your student ID. As proof of your part-time study status, please use the certificate from the student office confirming the approval of your part-time study program.

When Can I Apply for a Part-Time Study Program?

You can apply for a part-time study program only for specific reasons. At the end of this page, you will find a link to the Hessian Enrollment Regulation, which legally establishes part-time study.

Reasons for Applying for a Part-Time Study Program:

1. Employment

Usually, in a social insurance-paying job, working between 14 and 28 hours per week. Proof: Employer certificate or a copy of your employment contract, and if applicable, payslips.

2. Child Rearing

For children up to the age of 10. Proof: Birth certificate copy, and if applicable, certificate from the local registry office or similar.

3. Caring for a Close Relative

The person being cared for must be assigned a care level. Proof: Care level certification from the health insurance company, and if applicable, certification from an official body regarding your personal contribution to the care service.

4. Other Significant Reasons

Please provide a justification and attach the corresponding proof. You may need to include an additional sheet.
A disability or chronic illness that affects your studies.
If you are uncertain whether your reason justifies an application for part-time study, please contact the "Stud-i-fon" (06421/28-22222) for clarification.

How Do I Apply for a Part-Time Study Program?

You apply for a part-time study program at the Student Office of Philipps-University Marburg. Please use the application form linked below.

After completing and signing the application, you can submit it in person, by post, or by fax to the Student Office.

You can submit the part-time study application during any ongoing semester within the re-registration period. It is recommended to apply for two consecutive semesters, with the start of the application in the current semester.

You may submit multiple part-time study applications, but no more than until the study duration has been extended to twice the standard study time.

Please note that you cannot apply for a part-time study program for a semester that has already been completed.

Who Can I Contact If I Have Questions About the Part-Time Study Program?

For general inquiries about the part-time study program, please first contact the "Stud-i-fon" at 06421/28-22222.

Additional Links:

Marburg Enrollment Regulation
Application for Part-Time Study Program (PDF)