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Get involved! Initiatives and groups in Marburg
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Would you like to get involved and help reshape society around you? Whether as a volunteer or as part of a student initiative: The opportunities in Marburg are diverse and can also help you network in the city and at the university.
Student initiatives and university groups
The student initiatives and university groups at Marburg are not only an important part of student
life but also make a significant contribution to social cooperation in the city.
Can’t find the right group for you?
The General Students’ Committee (AStA) keeps a list of all officially recognized university groups. You
can also contact AStA to find out how your group can be recognized as a university group.

The palette of volunteering opportunities in Marburg is broad and colorful. It ranges from accompanying and supporting senior citizens, teens or children, or volunteer work in the cultural sector to involvement in supporting refugees. Social commitment is particularly important for students: You get to know the people and where they are doing their degree program, you will feel at home more quickly and gain experience that will benefit you later in life outside university.
Student councils
If you want to get involved in university politics, the student council is your first stop. Formally speaking, as an enrolled student, you are automatically a member of your department’s student council because a student council is made up of all of the students in the respective department. In common usage, however, this term refers only to the group of students who are actually actively involved in university politics in the department.