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Leisure activities in Marburg and at the university

Beyond reading, studying, writing assignments, and exams, your life as a student also includes: Leisure, culture, parties, sports and meeting new people! Here you will find a carefully curated selection of opportunities to pursue your hobbies or get involved in voluntary work.
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University sports
The Center for University Sports (Zentrum für Hochschulsport or ZfH) offers a diverse range sports and exercise programs and is responsible for maintaining and administering the sports facilities at Philipps-Universität Marburg. The course selection ranges from “Aikido” to “Zumba”: Martial arts, dance, team and ball sports, aquatics, aerobics, mountain biking and hiking excursions as well as ski trips and paragliding are all available.
The selection is wide, and course enrollment is in high demand. This is why we say: Act fast when online registration opens for these courses during the first week of the semester! In addition to the sports courses, students can still use the university’s sports facilities even if they are not taking a sports course.

Sports opportunities outside the university (selection)
- Aquamar Sports and Leisure Pool
- BSC Samurai Marburg e.V. (Martial arts and self-defense)
- Volksbank Climbing Hall: Rock climbing and bouldering
- Marburg Climbing Forest
- Marburg-Marbach Riding Club
- Diving Club Marburg
- Lake Edersee Sports Center and Residence Hall: Aquatics Courses at Lake Edersee
- Alphabetical list of all Marburg sports clubs
- Podcast "University Sports"
Not just listening to music but also making music: Notices on the notice boards are always looking for musicians for orchestras, band projects, jam sessions or as a member of one of the student church choirs. Anyone who cannot or does not wish to take part is still welcome to attend concerts and performances.

- Marburg Student Symphony Orchestra
- University Choir Marburg
- Philipps-Philharmonie Marburg
- Student Big Band
- MarburgPhilharmonie
Practice rooms in the Music House (Musizierhaus)
Don’t have the opportunity to make music at home? Then you can register to use the Music House in the Old Botanical Garden during the semester. A small fee must be paid to use it. You can book appointments via the Musicology office.
Art, culture and cinema
Marburg offers a wide range of cultural activities, such as theater performances, cabaret evenings, readings, museums, exhibitions or musical performances and concerts.

Museums and exhibitions
- Marburg Landgrave Castle (Landgrafenschloss)
- Museum of Art and Cultural History
- Medical-historical Anatomical Collection
- Chemikum Marburg
- Religious Studies Collection
- Ethnographic Collection of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Collection of the Department of Archaeology
Theater, concerts, poetry slam
- Hesse State Theater Marburg (HLTM)
- Waggonhalle Cultural Center
- Cultural Center (Kulturzentrum or KFZ)
- "Theater neben dem Turm"
Cinema and film
- Filmriss: The University Cinema in Marburg
- Cineplex Cinema Marburg
- CampusTV Marburg (Instagram channel)