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Psychological counseling services in Marburg

If you would prefer to contact a counseling center outside the university or you have a specific concern, Marburg offers a wide and well-established network of counseling centers and support services.

Community counseling centers

Psychological Contact and Counseling Center Marburg

Directly across the university's central administration building, you will find a non-university psychosocial counseling center at Biegenstraße 9. It provides support for individuals facing psychological issues, life crises, mental health conditions, and their families. 

Psychological Counseling Center Philippshaus

In the heart of Marburg, at Universitätsstraße 30/32, you will find a non-university psychological counseling center. It offers support for life crises, loneliness, anxiety and stress.

Addiction and drug counseling of the Diakonisches Werk

The addiction and drug counseling service offers free, confidential counseling for individuals affected by, or concerned about, problematic drug or media use, as well as support for their families.

Wildwasser Marburg e.V.

Wildwasser e.V. provides counseling and support for individuals who have experienced sexual violence in childhood or adolescence.

Multilingual psychosocial support center SOUL

SOUL Marburg provides targeted counseling for individuals who face prejudice or discrimination due to their ethnic, cultural, or religious identity.

Psychotherapeutic Services

Psychotherapeutic practices

Are you seeking psychotherapeutic treatment? You can find a list of therapists on the “PSYMA Psychotherapie Marburg” website.

Vitos Day Clinic

The Vitos Day Clinic is located in a park near the city center and offers a comprehensive daytime therapy program. Evenings, nights, and weekends are spent in the comfort of home. The clinic follows a unique approach with competence-oriented psychotherapy.

UKGM Outpatient Clinic in Ortenberg

The UKGM Outpatient Clinic in Ortenberg provides outpatient treatment for individuals with mental health issues. In addition to medical care, patients can receive support and counseling from social workers, as well as access to occupational therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and nursing care. The clinic also offers theme-focused psychological group therapies and psychoeducational programs.