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Import module – Export module – Interdisciplinary – MarSkills
In many degree programs, import modules must be selected – sometimes they are also called profile or minor subject modules or “second major”. These are opportunities from other degree programs or subjects that allow you to expand your professional profile and get a taste of other degree programs or subjects.

Interesting facts about import modules
- Warning! Do not mix these up: The term “minor subject” (German Nebenfach) applies only to the combined Bachelor’s degree (Kombi-Bachelor).
- In the first semester, no import modules need to be taken. In some degree programs, these are already selected – you will be informed about this in detail during your orientation week. The exact regulations for import modules are described in your Degree Program and Examination Regulations: For example, which subjects you can choose from or how many credits must be earned via import modules.
- As an enrolled student, you will be able to see in your study planner in MARVIN exactly which subjects you can import, which modules belong to them and which modules are planned for the current semester.
If you have any questions about import modules, your team leaders will be able to help you during the orientation week. You can also contact the student advisory service for your degree program at any time!
MarSkills and Interdisciplinarity
If you are studying a combined Bachelor’s degree or a mono Bachelor’s degree with a MarSkills component, MarSkills and Interdisciplinarity are an integral part of your degree program, through which you will acquire key skills totaling 18 credits. You can choose whether you want to take the competence modules as part of your own subject or supplement your studies with interdisciplinary content. Up to 6 of these 18 credits can come from interdisciplinary competence modules, e.g. “Career Orientation in Studies”, “Data Literacy – Data Competence for Studies and Career” or the innovative and interdisciplinary “Marburg Module”. At the MarSkills Center you can find out at your leisure what is available.