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Modules are the “building blocks” of any modular degree program. In most cases, modularized degree programs lead to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree – at Philipps-Universität Marburg also to the State Teacher Qualification Examination. Only the degree programs requiring a state examination at the end in Pharmacy, Law and Medicine are not modularized.

You will therefore acquire the content and skills of your degree program in modules – thematically and chronologically self-contained teaching/learning units. They are awarded credits (Leistungspunkte) according to their scope and are usually completed with an examination (module examination or several subtests).
Modules can extend over one or more semesters and are usually made up of different courses. Only students who successfully complete a module earn the credits assigned for it.
Each degree program and subject has its own module handbook, which you can view online or find on the pages of the respective degree program.
Modules can have different levels:
- Compulsory modules must be completed by all students as they teach the basics.
- For compulsory elective modules, it is possible to choose from among several options.
- External compulsory elective modules, import modules or interdisciplinary modules often offer the opportunity to expand your degree program with components from other subjects.
- Profile modules are designed to provide you with a general qualification for the job market and promote the development of your individual profile. They are offered as part of the student’s own degree program (MarSkills, key competencies, world languages, etc.).
In general:
Completion of a module can be made dependent on passing other modules. Be sure to check whether your examination regulations stipulate that individual modules or a minimum number of credits must be earned within certain semester limits! In the event of excessive delays, degree programs cannot be continued.