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Support and contact points

We are there for you – whether in person, by email or on a video call
Support and advice for international students
The International Office is there to answer your questions. Together we will look for answers or solutions. You can find a list of all staff at the International Office. There are specific contact persons for the exchange programs or various topics.
Of course, you can also take advantage of the advisory services offered by the Central Academic Advising Office (ZAS) or the individual departments.
- Overview of all staff at Department VI (Dezernat VI)
- Central Student Counselling & Career Service (ZAS)
- Support in your department (GER)
General support
For all international students
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Incomings Team
Questions about studying and living in Marburg, housing, staying organized while at university, leisure time and integration; peer adviser office hours
Phone: 06421 – 28 24929 or 06421 - 28 26813
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Refugee students
Prospective students who have a refugee background can contact Mr. Mark Wiebe, During your program, the Incomings Team will be at your side to answer any questions you may have about studying and living in Marburg.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen For questions about residency law and statements from the Immigration Office
The staff contacts are Ms. Constanze Lipinski, Ms. Anna Dinges and Ms. Pia Schöngarth, who will help you with questions regarding residency law and write statements for the Immigration Office.
Program-related questions
Find the coordinators for your exchange program here
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Erasmus program countries
Exchange students from Erasmus program countries should contact The coordinator is Ms. Ann-Kathrin Zeitz.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Erasmus partner countries
Exchange students from Erasmus partner countries should contact
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Overseas
Exchange students from partner universities worldwide should contact the Incomings Teams or the coordinator Ms. Constanze Lipinski.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Freemovers
Exchange students coming to Marburg as freemovers should contact the Incomings Team at
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Degree Seekers
If you have any questions regarding the application and admissions process, please contact . If you have any questions about organizing your curriculum and how to select courses, please contact your student advisory service. You can ask the Incomings Team questions about your stay and life in Marburg:
Additional support centers
- Antidiscrimination Office
- Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center for Students
- Social Counseling Marburg Student Union
- Social and Legal Advice by AStA
- Free legal advice from the Marburg Immigration Advisory Council
- Mental Health Support Group for international and exchange students (SBS)
- multilingual psychosocial counselling service "SOUL"