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Frequently Asked Questions

Internet Access & Telephone

  • How does the internet on campus work?

    Using LAN
    Almost all institutions on campus are equipped with so-called cable networks where you can hook up your laptop. The laptop is to be used as a "client". The use of servers (especially WWW-/MP3-Upload-Server) is strictly forbidden. Your Internet account will be blocked at misuse.

    The usage is temporary (maximum of 4 hours); the IP address will be assigned dynamically. Access information will be recorded like using a modem/ISDN access. The information will be kept for a maximum of six months.

    For the LAN access via laptop at the University the HRZ (university computer services) operates a LAN access server (Cisco Router). The server also controls computer access in the dormitories and is connected to the UMRnet by Gigabit-Ethernet (1 Gbit/s, full duplex). To use the LAN access, the laptop owner has to sign on to this server.

    On campus, there is a wide net of hotspots to log on via WLAN.

    Most dorms have internet; we will point you to instructions and student tutors at the dorms.

  • Where can I get a cell phone & how does it work?

    Cellular phones

    Since a regular telephone extension from the "Deutsche Telekom" is not feasible due to the brevity of the stay, we suggest that students buy a cheap cellular phone or sim card here.

    We would like to suggest a few opportunities:

    If you already own a T-Mobile carrier cell phone, bring it with you to Marburg. T-Mobile is one of the only companies that can convert between European and American frequencies, so a T-Mobile cell phone can be used in both places. You have to make sure that the SIM card (the card inside the phone) is "unlocked" so you can purchase and insert a card in Marburg.

    Pre-Paid Phones

    Many cellular phone providers offer well-priced pre-paid phones. These phones come without a contractual commitment. However, the pre-paid calls are typically more expensive. Depending on the provider, the prices vary (phone, per-minute rates, etc.) – it is worth while to ask around in various shops once in Marburg.

Every Day Life

  • I feel a little under the weather/really sick, where do I go?

    If you have a cold, sinus infection, etc., you may first try to get over-the-counter medicine from a pharmacy (“Apotheke”). If you decide to see a doctor, please make sure you know the procedures of your health insurance company concerning the payment of doctors' bills. You will receive a list of available doctors and the emergency room in Marburg in your welcome materials when you arrive. We can also provide you with additional information should you need it. It will be a good idea to have your bus schedule with you during your first weeks in Marburg.

  • How do we get around in Marburg?

    The public transportation system in around Marburg works very well. There are frequent buses from the different dorms to university buildings and the city center. Once you have worked out their schedules, you should be fine.

    There is also the possibility to rent or buy a bicycle.

    Marburg also has two train stations (Hauptbahnhof and Südbahnhof), so you can easily travel to other cities like Frankfurt.

  • Do I have to pay for public transportation within Marburg?

    No, you don’t. You will receive your student ID from us upon your arrival. It can be used as a bus and train ticket from March 1/Sept. 1 onwards. You will receive a separate bus ticket for the weeks from your arrival until the student ID is valid. Please carry your bus ticket and later your student ID (the so called “Studententicket”) with you at all times, especially at night. After 8 pm you will either have to show your ticket to the driver or pay to ride the bus. Your student ID is only valid in connection with a picture ID. Please do not lend your student ID to anyone! This can be considered fraud!

  • Where can I go shopping in Marburg? What about opening hours?

    Please note that all stores are closed in Germany on Sundays except for gas stations!

    There are different supermarkets, hardware stores, drug stores etc. in Marburg. We will show you some and you will receive an extensive list of them when you arrive here.

  • Does the university offer a meal plan?

    There are no meal plans at German universities.

    There are several cafeterias in university buildings. In town there are several snack bars, bakeries and fast food facilities.

    Also, breakfast is available in the bistro in the nearby university cafeteria (Mensa). Lunch and dinner are served in the Mensa as well, where prices range from approx. EUR 1.50 to 4 for a full meal. The bistro and the Mensa are located in the student services center (Studentenhaus).

    Please note that there are no cafeterias in the dormitories.


  • Do I get my own room in a dorm?

    All program students have single rooms in one of the university dorms when staying her in Marburg. They are all mixed gender dorms. Upon your arrival in Marburg, you will receive your dorm room information and your key. Please do not lend your key to a third person! You will have to pay for it if your key is lost and locks have to be exchanged.

    Our team has no influence on where participants are being placed. This is subject to availability. The assignments are a service by our colleagues of the dorm department (Studentenwerk).

    Accommodations are covered by the program fee. Private accommodations cannot be organized through us.

  • How are the dorms organized? Are there kitchen supplies, laundry rooms, and bed linens?

    All dormitories are equipped with kitchens and laundry rooms. The kitchens on your floor are communal. Therefore, you can use the refrigerator, stove, and sink at any time. You will probably have to bring or purchase your own kitchen utensils (plates, pots, pans, etc.). In your welcome materials, you will find a list of stores that hold such items.

    Each dorm has a housekeeper. She is responsible for keeping the communal areas of the dorm clean, providing you bed linens and is the person to contact if there are damages or other problems in the dorm. Her office is usually on one of the lower floors of the dorm and her phone number is posted at the entry. She is usually there in the mornings.

    Laundry rooms can be found in every building, although some may be more difficult to find than others. Take this opportunity to get to know other students by asking students in your hall for assistance. You may also explore your dorm on your own. Make it an adventure!

    Bedding and linens will be provided for you. The housekeepers have assigned times when you can exchange the used linens for a new set.