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After successful completion of your courses, you will receive an official Transcript of Records with details of your attendance, grades, and ECTS.   

During our Orientation program in April/October, a meeting with your faculty coordinator here at Marburg will also be organized.

Orientation Weeks Departments: Various Departments are offering subject-specific orientation weeks (so called "OEs"). We highly recommend attending those orientation weeks. There you can meet students online with whom you will study and receive important information about your subject.

Course List (Summer Semester 2025)

MO:VE German Language Courses

02: Business and Economics:
Introduction to Institutional Economics

06: Archaeology and History:
Classes in Archaeology and History are addressed to students of history and cultural studies only!
Politics and Images in Antiquity
Natalie Zemon Davis. Researching the Early Modern World
Introduction to International Business History
Food and food supply in the colonial and postcolonial Maghreb (19th-21st c.), hybrid

Classes in Archaeology and History are addressed to students of history and cultural studies only!

10: Foreign Languages and Cultures:
American Studies
Immigrant Autobiographies
Reading Immigrant Autobiographies
Contemporary U.S.-American Crime Fiction
Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language 
Roman Studies
Expression écrite B2.1, French
Traduction et médiation culturelle B2-C1, French
Grundlagen der Sprachbeschreibung / Fundamentos de la descripción lingüística, Spanish
Fachdidaktik Französisch und Italienisch / ProfiWerk, German

13: Physics
Computational Physics II (Lecture), Computational Physics II (Exercise) 
Methods in Material Science I (Lecture), Methods in Material Science I (Exercise)
Neurons and Networks (Lecture), Neurons and Networks (Exercise)
Solar Energy  2 (Lecture), Solar Energy 2 (Exercise)
Sustainability of Materials and Technologies (Lecture), Sustainability of Materials and Technology (Exercise)
Laser Spectroscopy (Lecture), Laser Spectroscopy (Exercise)  
Condensed Matter Theory (Lecture), Condensed Matter Theory (Exercise)
Nanophysics and Nanotechnology (Lecture), Nanophysics and Nanotechnology (Exercise)
Python Introduction and Consultation 
 All courses except Python consist of a lecture and a seminar

19: Geography
Research-Based Learning in Climate Impact Studies, synchron/asynchron
Machine Learning for Remote Sensing and Climatology, synchron/asynchron
Python for Climatology and Remote Sensing, synchron/asynchron
Soil and Water Resources, synchron/asynchron
(Advanced) Species Distribution Modelling, synchron/asynchron
Base R - no statistics, no fancy packages, just plain R, synchron/asynchron
Remote Sensing: Linking LiDAR and Satellite Data with Machine Learning, synchron/asynchron
Advanced Empirical Social Research Methods, asynchron

EU-Peace: EU-Peace teacher education courses
EUPeace-Classes are adressed to students from teacher education programs of the EUPeace- Alliance universities only!

EUPeace Virtual European Exchange Programme (VEEP): Discover the other VEEP courses here

Course lists from previous semesters

Winter Semester 2024/25 (PDF) 

Winter Semester 2023/24 (PDF)

Summer Semester 2023 (PDF)

Winter Semester 2022/23 (PDF)