Main Content
After successful completion of your courses, you will receive an official Transcript of Records with details of your attendance, grades, and ECTS.
During our Orientation program in April/October, a meeting with your faculty coordinator here at Marburg will also be organized.
Orientation Weeks Departments: Various Departments are offering subject-specific orientation weeks (so called "OEs"). We highly recommend attending those orientation weeks. There you can meet students online with whom you will study and receive important information about your subject.
Do I have to register for Classes?
Yes. The deadlines differ from department to department. We would advise you to register as soon as possible.
The registration process also varies from department to department.
Please be so kind and get in touch with your departmental coordinator.
Here you can find more information from the departments:
FB02 School of Business and Economics
FB03 Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Department of English and American Studies
Department of Romance Studies
Course List (Winter Semester 2024/2025)
02: Business and Economics:
Introduction to Institutional Economics
06: Archaeology and History:
Classes in Archaeology and History are addressed to students of history and cultural studies only!
The many faces of war in ancient literature
Teleology and ethical judgment in Diodorus
Sources on the history of the papacy - an introduction to palaeography, diplomatics and codicology of the Middle Ages the Renaissance (ca. 500-1520)
From Iberia to Britain - The Iron Age in Western Europe
Geç Tunç Çağında Anadolu Mimarisi
Anadolu'da Neolitik Dönem Yaşam Tatbikleri
Seminer + yan öğretici ders: "Roma sanatının dili 2"
Introduction to German Economic History, 1800-1990
Interpretation and GIS supported Visualisation of Archaeological Intensive Field Survey Data
The Dynamics of Gender in Afghanistan
Classes in Archaeology and History are addressed to students of history and cultural studies only!
10: Foreign Languages and Cultures:
American Studies
Introduction to the Cultural History of North America (asynchron)
Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Survey of English Literature) (asynchron)
Banning Books and More
Campus Fiction and Film
Roman Studies
Traducción español-alemán (B2-C1): Teoria y práctica (Lehrsprachen: Deutsch B2, Spanisch B2)
13: Physics
Complex Neural Networks
Computational Physics I
Exercises in Computational Physics I
Semiconductor Optics I
Seminar in Semiconductor Optics I
Python 2 - Modern Statistical Methods for Scientists
Fundamentals of Functional Materials
Seminar in Fundamentals of Functional Materials
Methods in Material Science 2
Seminar in Methods in Material Science 2
Molecular Materials 1
Seminar in Molecular Materials 1
Selected Topics in Functional Materials 1
Seminar in Selected Topics in Functional Materials 1
Quantum Information and Quantum Computing
Seminar in Quantum Information and Quantum Computing
19: Geography
Base R - no statistics, no fancy packages, just plain R
Introduction to Geography
Innovation und Wachstum im Raum
Klimafolgenforschung/Climate Change
Socio-economic globalisation processes
The Role of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Intermediary Organizations in Fostering Sustainability Transformation – Different Places, Pathways and Processes
Empirische Sozialforschung/Empirical Social Research Methods
Advanced Empirical Social Research Methods
Raumordnung und Raumplanung (Vorlesung)/Spatial planning in Germany (Lecture)
Environmental Hydrology
Data analysis
Umweltinformatik (Environmental Informatics)/GeoAI
GIS & Remote Sensing für Fortgeschrittene/Advanced GIS & Remote Sensing
Rainfall Remote Sensing
EU-Peace: EU-Peace teacher education courses
EUPeace-Classes are adressed to students from teacher education programs of the EUPeace- Alliance universities only!
Discrimination: A European Approach
Gaming and Historical Learning
EUPeace-Classes are adressed to students from teacher education programs of the EUPeace- Alliance universities only!
The Summer Term 2025 course list will be available in February/March.
Course lists from previous semesters