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FAQ / Further Info

There are always questions left or things unclear. Please feel free to contact us any time. Many questions can already be answered by taking the time to carefully read all information provided on our website as well as the information sent to you via email during the application process.


  • How much does the IWU cost?

    Please see the "Fees" section. Students from our partner institutions are admitted under special conditions - please contact us about this.
    Students whose home institution is a member of the University of Massachusetts system, the University of Wisconsin system, or a participating university from Queensland can be accepted as exchange students into the Hessen:IWU Marburg. Please contact your home institution's study abroad advisor for more information on how and when to apply.

  • How do I register for classes?

    You will be assigned to a language and culture class according to your pre-knowledge of German. An online assessment exam will take place prior to the beginning of the program.
    You will not need to register for the Module. If there are any changes, you will be informed during the application process. 

  • What is ILIAS, and what do I need it for?

    ILIAS is an online-platform embedded in the website of Philipps-Universität Marburg. ILIAS is of great importance for you as all necessary learning material for your seminars will be uploaded and accessible in ILIAS. Further, the platform enables you to directly communicate with all other participants in your class as well as with the professor, thanks to its integrated mailing system.
    Access to ILIAS is possible once you are provided your username and password from the University of Marburg. Please log-on to ILIAS as soon as you receive your username and password, change your password and familiarize yourself with the platform. Once logged-in, please ensure that you are registered for the correct seminar and assigned class. 

  • I missed a class. What do I need to do?

    Of course, we prefer if you did not miss any classes. If you are sick, please inform us as early as possible. If you are able to provide a doctor’s note, we will work with your teacher to find a solutionand make-up the missed class. If you do, however, miss more than one class without an excuse, we will not be able to permit you to make-up the missed classes via additional work. As a result, you will not be able to pass the class and receive your ECTS credits.

  • What does “professional behavior during class” mean?

    Professional behaviour is important. We expect all students to be on time for class, respectful and engaged. If you are more than 15 minutes late for class, it is at the discretion of your professor to note this class as “not attended”.

  • What will the assignments be like?

    You are required to submit an essay for your academic seminar and a test for the language class. The teacher will let you know the specific requirements in time, and you can use the allotted tutorial time to ask more detailed questions regarding your essays.

  • What rules do I need to follow concerning the assignment; and what is plagiarism?

    We expect all students to do all their assigned works and hand them in in time. If you are unsure about the length, form or anything else, please ask your teacher. In any case, we expect you not to plagiarize. Working professionally and writing an essay means to always indicate all the literature used and to mark quotations. Otherwise, your work will be classified as plagiarism, which will result in failing the class. Never copy any texts from the internet. Besides sources from the internet often being unreliable, we can easily check your work for copied passages. It should also be in your own interest to prepare your work properly and live up to academic standards as you are pursuing an academic career. If you are unsure about this topic or about a certain passages you would like to include in your work, please consult your teacher. They will be more than happy to help and make sure that you do not plagiarize.