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For Freemover Weltweit, Overseas, MO:VE students - Course list/Transcript of Records

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Definition of terms:

  • What is a Course list?

    The Course list lists all of the courses you are taking at Philipps-Universität Marburg. The Transcript of Records is generated based on the Course list, i.e., without a Course list, you will not receive a Transcript of Records! The Course list can be used only internally within Philipps-Universität Marburg, i.e., it is NOT the official document (Transcript of Records) that your university and you will receive at the end of your stay.

  • What is a Transcript of Records?

    This is the official document for your home university to give you credit for your grades. It is created by the International Office at Philipps-Universität Marburg. The Transcript of Records is generated based on the Course list. Your university and you will receive the transcript by e-mail. Every student will usually receive a single transcript at the end of his or her stay, i.e., if you spend two semesters studying in Marburg, you will receive the document at the end of the second semester.
    (For exceptions, see “Will you be studying two semesters at Philipps-Universität Marburg?”)

Do all exchange students receive a Transcript of Records?

For Freemover Weltweit, Overseas and MO:VE students, the Transcript of Records is not necessary if the home university does not require this document. 

Please ask your home university whether the Transcript of Records must be submitted. If not, decide whether you would like to receive this document. 

Important information:

  • If you do not prepare a Transcript of Records or do not submit it by the deadline (see the information on this website), you will not receive a Transcript of Records.
  • If you choose to receive a Transcript of Records, your home university will automatically receive a copy of the document. 
  • If you decide NOT to receive a Transcript of Records, the document cannot be produced later - not even if you apply for a place to study or for a job. 

Would you like to receive a transcript? Then please read the information below.

How do I obtain my Transcript of Records?

Would you like  a Transcript of Records at the end of your exchange program? If so, follow these steps:

Your tasks

  • 1. Before courses start

    Please create your Course list at the start of the semester. The Course list lists the courses you would like to take - both in the departments and at the Language Center of Philipps-Universität Marburg. Please discuss the courses in advance with the departmental coordinator for your program at Philipps-Universität Marburg, and then enter all of the courses in Mobility Online. Use your personal Mobility Online access to do this.

    Please note! When you create the Beleglist/Course list, the program asks for the Course unit code at the home institution and the Course unit title at the home institution. This information is not relevant for the International Office and you can simply write "x" or "0" or "-".

  • 2. During the semester

    Please make sure that your Course list is always up to date during the semester. It must include only those courses you have actually participated in. Are there any courses on your Course list that you withdrew from or did not attend at all? If so, make the corresponding changes in Mobility Online.

    Please submit the transcript of records in Mobility until May 31 (Summer term deadline) or until November 30 (Winter term deadline). Log in to Mobility Online, first click on "Submit courses (Transcript of Records) binding" and then on "I hereby confirm that I have completely added all courses for my transcript. After sending this confirmation, I can no longer change courses in Mobility-Online" an. Please note: If you do not submit your courses bindingly at the end of May, you will not receive a Transcript of Records! Your transcript of records must be complete and correct when it is submitted because there is no possibility to change it (add or delete courses) afterwards.

  • 3. At the end of courses

    At the end of a course, ask your instructor to notify the departmental coordinator immediately about your participation and grade.

    The list of department coordinators can be found here.

    Have you taken a language course at the Sprachenzentrum (Language Centre)? Please send your Schein (paper confirmation) directly to your departmental coordinator.

Our tasks


  • A Transcript of Records cannot be created without a Course list!
  • Please do not forget to add the language courses that you are taking at the Language Center of Philipps-Universität Marburg. 
  • Please carefully and correctly update all course information in Mobility Online. The number of ECTS credits may not be changed. Use only the information about your course as listed in the course catalog. No ECTS information that you have modified will be accepted. Please enter all course details in Mobility Online carefully and correctly.

Will you be studying two semesters at Philipps-Universität Marburg?

For exchange students who are planning to study for two semesters while enrolled under the same program at Philipps-Universität Marburg:

  • You will need to later add your courses for the second semester to the list you created for the first semester in Mobility-Online. Do not delete the courses you entered for the first semester! The second course list will contain the courses for both semesters. Only courses that are listed in Mobility-Online will be included in the Transcript of Records at the end of your program stay!
  • Click the button “Submit Courses (Transcript of Records) bindingly” until May 31 (Summer term) and until November 30 (Winter term). If you submit the course list after the first semester, you will not be able to change/add courses for the second semester to the document. If you study in Marburg in the winter and summer semesters, submit the Course list only once until May 31. If you stay in Marburg in the summer and winter semester, submit the Course list only once until November 30. 
  • You will receive the Transcript of Records at the end of your stay. Thus, if you spend two semesters studying in Marburg, you will receive a single document at the end of the second semester.         

For exchange students who are planning to study for two semesters at Philipps-Universität Marburg while enrolled under two different programs, for example, the first semester in one program (such as Overseas) and the second semester as a Freemover:

  • You will need to create two separate course lists: One list for the first semester, e.g., the Overseas program, and one list for the second semester, e.g., the Freemover program.
  • You will be issued two Transcripts of Records. One transcript after the first semester and another one after the second semester.


For questions regarding the Belegliste and the Transcript of Records please send an e-mail to .
For questions about the courses and the course registration, please contact your departmental coordinator.
