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Undergraduate Programs Explained

Foto: Finn Sweers


The Bachelor is the first professionally qualifying university degree. A Bachelor's program at the Philipps University normally lasts 3 years (6 semesters). It is modularly structured and normally comprises 180 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is awarded in the sociological, linguistic and cultural studies programs. The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is awarded in the scientific and economic studies programs.


The Magister is a first professionally qualifying university degree. A Magister's program at the Philipps University normally lasts 5 years (10 semesters). It is modularly structured and normally comprises 300 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System.

State examination

Those who study medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy or law at the Philipps University complete their studies with the state examination. The education is divided into two sections: The theoretical education at the university ends with the first state examination, consisting of oral and written examinations in the area of specialization and in various compulsory subjects.

The practical education component is a clerkship for law students and practical year ("Praktisches Jahr" - PJ) and internship ("Arzt im Praktikum"- AIP) for doctors. Only after this two-year practical period can the second state examination be taken and the title granted. University entrance qualification is required for a study program with the state examination degree. Admission is restricted by a Numerus Clausus (NC).

Teacher training

The teacher training program also concludes with the state examination and consists of two to three school subjects, as well as pedagogical accompanying subjects. The education at the Philipps University is concluded with the first state examination. That is followed by a two-year internship at a secondary school. The teacher training program ends with the second state examination.

University entrance qualification

For admission to undergraduate programs, you need to have a university entrance qualification. If you would like to learn in advance whether your foreign certificates entitle you to study in Germany, you can use ANABIN, the info portal for foreign education degrees. Click on "School-leaving qualifications with university entrance" and "Search." There, you can enter the country in which you obtained your certificate. You will then learn whether you may study directly in Germany or whether you may need to complete a assessment examination ("Feststellungsprüfung" - FSP) at the Study Preparatory Center.

