Auf dem Weg zur Symbiose
Forschung: Hybride Pfeilspitze gegen Immunerkrankungen
EFMC Award to Prof. Dr. Olalla Vazquez
Top-class research award for Prof. Dr. Tobias Erb Prof. Dr. Tobias Erb, Director and Head of the Department of "Biochemistry and Synthetic Metabolism" at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology receives the Merck Future Insight Prize, which is endowed with 1 million Euro, for his research that opens the way to a more sustainable fixation of the greenhouse gas CO2.
Neue Forschungsgruppe beginnt ihre Arbeit am Zukunftszentrum Mikrokosmos Erde Dr. Julia Kurth leitet ab dem 1. September 2022 die zweite Arbeitsgruppe des neuen Zukunftszentrums Mikrokosmos Erde
30 Jahre gemeinsame Spitzenforschung zu Mikroorganismen Das Marburger Max-Planck-Institut feiert sein 30-jähriges Bestehen und die ebenso lange Kooperation mit der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Start der ersten Forschungsgruppe am neuen „Zukunftszentrum Mikrokosmos Erde“ Mikrobiologin Dr. Judith Klatt forscht zum Thema „Biogeochemie“
Bacterial Plasmid Segregation: Two Heads, One Hat An interdisciplinary study reveals a unified model for plasmid distribution in bacterial cell division
Dr. Henrike Niederholtmeyer erhält ERC Starting Grant Emmy-Noether-Forschungsgruppenleiterin am Marburger Max-Planck-Institut erhält 1,5 Mio. Euro zur Erforschung und Entwicklung biosynthetischer Kompartimente
Chemikerin Dr. Martina Preiner startet mit Forschungsgruppe „Geochemische Protoenzyme“ Neue Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe am MPI und dem „Zukunftszentrum Mikrokosmos Erde“ in Marburg
iGEM 2023
A new Achilles heel of the bacterial cell wall How a single regulatory protein acts as a multi-tool of bacterial cell wall remodeling
Methane formation before the emergence of life Researchers show how methane formed in early Earth's aquatic environments and is still released today
VAAM-Forschungspreis 2023 geht an Dr. Jan Schuller Wie Bakterien CO2 aus der Atmosphäre in Bio-Kraftstoffe verwandeln
Katharina Höfer receives ERC Starting Grant Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute in Marburg receives 1.5 Million Euros for the development of new biomolecules.
Antibiotics, Drugs and Rock’n Roll - Finding solutions for the global health challenge
A new order for brewer`s yeast An artificial chromosome combines all t-RNA genes for cellular protein production
Hohe Auszeichnung für Marburger Nachwuchsforscher EMBO Young Scientist Award 2023 geht an Jan Schuller und Georg Hochberg
New Insights into Shigellosis A newly discovered molecular switch mechanism plays a central role in the infection process in bacterial dysentery.
SYNMIKRO Poster 2024.pdf
Peter Kolb and Lennart Randau successful at VW "Momentum"
„Microbes 4 Climate” From Greenhouse Gases to Products The 11th Annual Symposium of the Center of Synthetic Microbiology will take place on 22 May 2024.
Carbon dioxide as a raw material for chemical intermediates Research consortium develops climate-neutral production with the help of bacteria isolated from bovine rumen - BMBF funds with 2.6 million euros
Enzyme Design and Evolution: Unlocking a Sustainable Future The 12th annual Symposium of the Center of Microbiology will take place on 23 April 2025.