28.02.2023 Antibiotics, Drugs and Rock’n Roll - Finding solutions for the global health challenge

10th Annual Symposium of the Center of Synthetic Microbiology

23 May, 2023

Nature is an incredible source of biologically active molecules. More than 200,000 different natural products have been isolated from plants and microorganisms and many of them are used in modern medicine as antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs and in other applications. However, genome sequencing has shown that we have only touched the tip of the iceberg and indicated that there is an almost infinite amount of novel compounds yet to be detected. But how can we harness this naturally existing potential? How do we find these novel compounds, and how can synthetic biology help us to produce them in a defined way and at industrial scale?

At the SYNMIKRO Symposium 2023, we will team up with LOEWE Diffusible Signals and the Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR84 to discuss natural and synthetic molecules in infectious disease research. In LOEWE Diffusible Signals, basic and clinical researchers analyse host-microbe interaction to develop new therapies for important human infections, e.g., sepsis and pneumonia.

Leading scientists from academia and industry will come together to highlight recent breakthroughs and future trends in addressing this great challenge and discuss the potential of biologically active compounds for new therapies.

Further information on the program can be found in the flyer (PDF)

Participation in the symposium is free of charge but registration is required.

Please visit https://form.123formbuilder.com/6361218/synmikro-jahrestagung for your online registration.

Anke Becker (SYNMIKRO)
Tobias Erb (MPI Marburg)
Bernd Schmeck (Philipps-Universität Marburg)


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