Upcoming events
Synmikro Lunch Seminar
SYNMIKRO Thanksgiving Day Let’s spend this Friday morning together for having a series of four talks from 9:30 – 12:00. Beverages + Pretzels + Butter for Free!
SYNMIKRO New Years DAY Let’s spend this Friday morning together for having a series of talks!
SYNMIKRO Easter DAY Let’s spend this Friday morning together for having a series of talks!
SYNMIKRO DAY & PARTY Midsummernight Let’s spend this Friday together for having a series of talks!
"Microbes 4 Climate” From Greenhouse Gases to Products
Girls' Day 2024
SYNMIKRO seminar: Secreted bacterial RHS toxins
Anzeige BIOSpectrum Feb. 2023-1.pdf
Antibiotics, Drugs and Rock’n Roll - Finding solutions for the global health challenge
The Plant Egg Cell Prof. Dr. Thomas Dresselhaus from the University of Regensburg will be holding a SYNMIKRO seminar.
12th annual Synmikro Symposium