19.03.2025 Bacteria killers from the genetic toolbox: "Spektrum der Wissenschaft" interviews PI Katharina Höfer

For a current article in its medicine section, the major German popular scientific journal spoke with Katharina as one of the international scientists whose research deals with synthetic phages.

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"Spektrum der Wissenschaft", originally modelled on the American popular science magazine "Scientific American", is the major German publication format for science from a natural scientific perspective for a broader audience. This month, their science journalist Sigrid März published an article in their medicine section about bacterial killers from the genetic toolbox ("Bakterienkiller aus dem Genbaukasten"). Several international researchers were interviewed for the publication, including our PI of Project 6, Katharina Höfer.

The article shines a light on the fact that, until now, phages have been denied in medicine due to regulatory and practical hurdles, and on how, genetically customised, the bacterial viruses are now set to change medicine and biotechnology. Subscribers can read the full German article here.