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MSM provides access to a coordinated curriculum for PhDs or postdoctoral fellows who are not funded as part of coordinated research programs in Marburg. MSM mediates either an association of Scientists to available research programs/graduate schools as associated students/postdocs, or, in case this is not possible, coordinates access to workshops and activities of research programs where space is available. Thereby, MSM ensures a minimal curriculum for all Microbiology-related PhD or postdoctoral scientists.

Overview of the modules

  • Supervision agreement

    All PhDs should obtain a signed form stating the provisional title of their PhD work/research project, signature of their main supervisor and signature of a co-supervisor that is chosen by the doctoral student in agreement with her/his supervisor. The co-supervisor should closely monitor the progress of the project and is usually part of the TAC committee.

  • Thesis Advisory Commitee (TAC)

    At the beginning of the PhD work, each student must assemble a thesis advisory committee (TAC). The TAC should consist of up to four group leaders being members of the Gradschool. A selecting committee members is a competence of the student, however their scientific interests need to be considered, which result in substantive input into the research project and individual advisory commitment.

    Student and TAC meet annually and discuss the progress of the research project. The student prepares the TAC meeting by providing a written progress report (max. 10 pages) and an oral presentation (45 minutes).

  • Regular Lectures and Seminars

    An essential part of our education is the regular participation of the graduate students in lectures & seminars on all facets of modern microbiology offered in the framework of SYNMIKRO and the School of Mikcrobiology.

    Central are the mandatory microbiology lecture, taking place once per month. Blue seminars are scientific lectures, given by external and internal scientist, covering broad spectrum of scientific topics. Graduate students are able to invite external speakers to get first hand access to internationally renowned scientists. 

    Additionally, our graduate students will benefit from regular seminars of the associated departments and institutions, e.g. the seminar series in environmental, cellular and molecular microbiology at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology

  • Workshops

    The workshops aim at strengthening the theoretical and practical education. On a regular basis, our experienced staff scientists and group leaders offer workshops and hands-on training on state-of-the-art methods.

    Topics include (but are not limited to) reverse genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, chemoinformatics, modern biochemistry, Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange massspectrometry, X-ray crystallography, electron micrsocopy or super-resolution microscopy. On the theoretical side, workshops on basic methods of modeling and computer lab courses will be offered on mathematical modeling, quantitative data analysis and bioinformatics.

    Each student will participate to a minimum of 3 practical workshops during his PhD work. Moreover, each student has to attend at least one experimental or one theoretical workshop. 

  • Soft Skills

    The Marburg School of Microbiology via the Marburg University Research Academy (MARA) offers soft skill workshops.

    The topics of the workshops include (among many others) project management, presentation skills, conflict management and entrepreneurship. Please visit the webpage of Marburg University Research Academy (MARA) to choose workshops and seminars. Every student is encouraged to participate to a minimum of two soft skill trainings.

    Marburg University Research Academy

  • Annual Retreat

    Every year PhD students should join a scientific retreat organized under the umbrella of MSM. The aim of the retreat is maximize communication, joint research and exchange of knowledge between the students, invited speakers and the senior scientists. The retreat includes progress reports presentations, and intense scientific discussions. Moreover, we provide training in planning scientific research projects, grant writing and scientific publishing.

    Participation at the retreat is mandatory for each graduate student.

  • Spotlight Meeting- Organize your own international meeting

    Established in 2015, the students of the Marburg School of Microbiology organize an international meeting in Marburg, named the Spotlight Meeting in Microbiology. The Spotlight Meeting is a great chance to train your organizational skills, get into contact with internationally recognized scientists or simply inspire yourself by excellent research.

  • Scientific Meeting and Conferences

    Students are encouraged to attend national and international symposia and conferences, and organize visits of external scientists and visiting collaborators. Request for official journey (Dienstreiseantrag) with detailed information regarding conference and costs involved has to be signed by supervisor and submitted to responsible office before departure.

    For booking the conference as well as accommodation, please contact your responsible office for the group-specific rules. If booking yourself, you have to adhere to the rules of the University of Marburg

    Please keep all bills and tickets, confirmations etc. in original for reimbursement. Add these to the “Reisekostenabrechnung” (reimbursement form): Sign the reimbursement form and pass it on within six month after your return to the responsible secretary or managing office respectively.

  • Mentoring and teaching activities

    In order to gain experience in teaching and mentoring, students are encouraged to contribute to workshops, laboratory courses for BSs and MSs at Philips University as well as supervising other students in their laboratories.

  • Certificate of the Marburg School of Microbiology

    After completion of the PhD study and successful thesis defense students receive a Certificate of Completion of the study program together with detail information about their activities within Marburg School of Microbiology