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Inter-Library Loan & Document Delivery Services
Scientific and specialist literature not available in any of the publicly accessible university libraries in Marburg can be electronically ordered from external libraries through the inter-library loan service. Please respect the copyright!
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Inter-Library Loan Account
You require a valid inter-library loan account loaded with sufficient credit in order to request an inter-library loan. Each order costs 2 Euro. The inter-library loan account can be set up for you in the Loans Department where you can also deposit money into your inter-library loan account. Credit for your account can only be topped up through the Loans Department (Email: .
The following data for each user is stored on the library network central database in Frankfurt: user card number, surname and first name, date of birth, address (town, postcode, street and house number) and category of user.
At the payment machine beside the entrance you can purchase vouchers for inter-library loans. To redeem the voucher please give it to the library staff at the loan desk. The deposited amount is credited to your inter-library account in most cases immediately but not later than the next business day.
Payment by bank transfer is also possible: University Library bank account details IBAN DE 30 5335 0000 0000 0001 08 SWIFT-BIC HELADEF1MAR. Please enter in the field "Verwendungszweck" the word “Fernleihgebühren”, your name and user ID card number.
To avoid you having to wait, please email us proof of payment: Once we have received that information we can credit the amount to your inter-library account
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Search and Order
Literature which is not available in Marburg can be found and ordered via HeBIS-Portal. You can also access your user data on inter-library loans via HeBIS-Portal.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Renewal and Return
How Can I Extend the Loan Period for Books borrowed Using the Inter-Library Loan Service?
It is generally possible to extend the loan period twice for books borrowed through the inter-library loan service.
Please extend the loan period for the books you have borrowed through the inter-library loan service directly via “Your Account” in the Catalogue Plus or “User Data” in OPAC. Whether the loan period for a book can be extended, depends on the borrowing policy of the lending library.
If an extension of the loan period is not possible through your user account, please check whether you have already had two loan extensions or whether you have exceeded the loan period. An extension is possible up to the day before the end of the loan expiry date.
If a loan extension through your user account is not possible and the reasons listed above do not apply, then please fill out this renewal form carefully.
Renewal of media which you are using in the Reading Room is only possible through the renewal form.
You will be informed via email if the loan period cannot be extended provided you have filled in your email address on the renewal form. Please do not fail to check details of the loan periods in your OPAC user account.
Please note that there is no entitlement to a loan extension. If the book has been reserved by another user, then the loan extension can be revoked. You will be informed of this by email.
How Do I Return the Books or Media Borrowed through the Inter-Library Loan Service?
Bitte geben Sie die Medien über die Rückgabeautomaten im Eingangsbereich ab. Diese sind während der gesamten Öffnungszeiten der UB zugänglich. Sollte dies nicht möglich sein, geben Sie die Fernleihe an der Aufsicht zurück.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen FAQ
What are Inter-Library Loan Services?
You can use inter-library loan services in order to obtain literature not available in the Marburg library system. The Regulations Governing Loan Services (LVO) represent the legal basis of this service.
The current valid version is: Regulations Governing Library Loan Services in the Federal Republic Germany (LVO). Directive of the Hessian Ministry for Science and Art published in the Staatsanzeiger für das Land Hessen, No. 5 /2004, 2.2.2004, pp. 594-600.
The following media are excluded from loan services:
- Media available in the ordering library or library system
- Media available in another local library open to the public, even if this library is not a registered participant in the inter-library loans system
- Media which can be purchased for € 15 or less
- Unprinted university publications such as Diploma, Bachelor or Masters theses
- DIN standards and VDI guidelines
Where Can I Order an Inter-Library Loan?
Use HeBIS-Portal, the German-wide catalogue search with integrated borrowing and interlibrary loan function.
How Do I Login to Use HeBIS-Portal?
Choose your local library and enter the eight-digit number (under the barcode on the back of your Ucard). This is your user identification. Your password is your eight-digit date of birth (TTMMJJJJ) unless you have already exchanged it for another one. This is also the password requested for each inter-library loan request. We recommend changing your password using the button "user data" in the Katalog Plus.
How Do I Order a Book or a Copy of an Article Using the Inter-Library Loan Service?
Search for and order the required title using HeBIS-Portal. After you have successfully logged into HeBIS-Portal, enter the title information in the search mask and click on Search. HeBIS-Portal enables you to search the library holdings of the Federal Republic. In the search results an overview of the number of results per union catalogue is displayed. The number of title matches can be found on the right. Please check at first the titles in HeBIS union catalogue for local holdings. For older titles, do not forget our scanned catalogues. If you are unsure how to use them, please contact the information centre or the ILL team.
If you wish to order a title using the inter-library loan service, then click first on the title to view the full display of the selected record. You can then either use the button OPAC (in the above right corner) to gain access to whichever union catalogue you require and under library holdings you can check whether the literature you wish to borrow is available (and if restrictions on borrowing are in place). If the title can be borrowed, then click on Order in HeBIS-Portal. The button inter-library loan request will then appear. A request form containing the title data opens automatically. For books "loan" is preset and for journals "copy" is preset. It is also possible to order copies of articles from a book. In this case click on "copy" and enter the biographical details of the article (author, title, page references and publication year).
Please note the information regarding increased fees. You can also request a specific edition.
Please do not order articles directly from results in the article data base in HeBIS-Portal because it is unable to check the bibliographical information to see whether the article is available in the local library. Check to make sure that the title is not available in Marburg before you order.
In order to submit a loan request, your inter-library loan account must have enough credit (at least 1.50 Euro). Please note that the inter-library loan charge is an administrative charge with no refund possible if the title cannot be obtained for you. If you are uncertain whether the title you need can be obtained via inter-library loan, then check with us before you place the loan request in order to avoid unnecessary costs.
Enter your password to finalise the order.
How Will My Loan Request Be Processed?
HeBIS-Portal automatically creates a supplier list. The library best placed to supply the loan is at the top of the list. If it cannot do so because, for example, the book is already on loan, then the order is automatically passed on to the next library on the list. You can follow the status of your inter-library loan request by clicking on user data. Enter your local password in order to view the data in the inter-library loan system. If you click on Your data in the inter-library loan system you will see a title list of your inter-library loan requests. Then click on the individual requests for more detailed information than that displayed in the status notifications.
The information displayed is subdivided into user data, loan request data, and loan request history. In the loan request history field you can establish whether the submitted request was successful or not (book already on loan etc.). If you find the comment original/copy dispatched, then the document will arrive in Marburg within the next couple of days. After the book has been registered in the Central Library, you will find the comment book arrived + date in the field containing information on your loan request.
If you only find negative information in the help area, for example “on loan,” then your loan request will be processed manually by the loans department of the Central Library. It is possible that the book can only be located in and ordered from libraries which do not participate in the online loan service. We will fill out an inter-library loan request form and forward it to the relevant library for you. It is also possible that a book may take longer than usual to order. For information on these points please consult the comments field in the loan request data.
How Long Does It Take for My Book or Article to Be Delivered?
How quickly a document can be delivered depends on several factors, such as whether the first library or the last one on the delivery list is able to provide the book. The efficiency of the parcel service used can also vary from library to library. Delivery times can therefore vary from a few days to several weeks.
The exact status of your loan request can be verified by consulting the loan request user data in HeBIS-Portal.
Please log in and use the link user data.
How Do I Find Out If My Book or Article Has Arrived?
Please log into HeBIS-Portal and follow the link user data. If a document has arrived, there will be a note in the comments field: book arrived + date or copy arrived + date.
You will also be notified by email. Please inform us if you change your email address.
How Do I Order Titles I Have Not Found in the HeBIS-Portal?
First, log into HeBIS-Portal and start a search. Then in the left column under the list of results you will find the link to blank request. This is an blank loan request form into which you can enter the bibliographical details of the title you are looking for. Please choose between a book loan and a copy of an article and fill out the form as completely as possible. When you have submitted the form, the fee of 1.50 Euro will be deducted from your inter-library loan account.
Where Can I Collect My Inter-Library Loans?
Books and copies can be collected at the collection shelves in the University Library. They are placed under the last four numbers on your user ID card for a period of two weeks and can be collected during opening hours. Please bring your user ID card when you collect them. If your inter-library loan is for reading room use only or can only be collected at the service desk, you will find information about it in the email notification.
International Loans/ILL
Books and articles which cannot be obtained through the German inter-library loan service, can be ordered through the international loan service. The supplier library normally charges for these book loans or copies of articles and we pass the full costs incurred on to our users.
Books supplied through the international loan service may be read in the Reading Room only and cannot be taken home.
If you wish to order a book through the international loan service, then please get in touch with the inter-library loans department which will help you to submit a loan request.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Inter-Library Loan Rules for University Staff
University staff members can register for inter-library loans when they present their employment contract and their personal Ucard at the loans department desk where both private and university office addresses will be registered. This means you can set up your inter-library loan account and make a cashless payment by specifying the correct cost centre number. Please inquire in your faculty or department how cost centre numbers are assigned and the internal modalities concerning their use.
Collection/Delivery of Documents
Staff members working in Deutschhausstraße collect their own documents after these have arrived in the loans department. The university library transport service delivers documents to all other university institutes and departments. If you want to use the transport service to return books, then please note the collection times. In order not to be obliged to pay fines for late returns, you must return the book to the loans department in the Central Library in time for it to be registered as returned within the specified lending period. Contact the loans department to get in touch with the transport service. Please note that at certain times there is only a limited service available, e.g. Christmas holidays.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen MAUS – Convenient Delivery Service for Articles in Journals and Books (MAUS and MAUSintern)
Do You Need Express Access to Articles from Journals and Books?
If you want to save yourself the trouble of dealing directly with supply services and payment fees, then Marburg University Library offers you the best alternative with its MAUS and MAUSintern service.
Articles from the holdings of the University Library (all locations!) are delivered electronically and free of charge to staff members of Philipps-University via MAUSintern. The articles may only be ordered for academic and research purposes. With the submission of your order, you agree to comply with the valid copyright conditions (UrhG).
Articles from journals and books. You cannot use MAUS to order copies of complete books.
How Is It Supplied?
Normally a PDF copy of the required article is sent to you electronically within three working days. Please note that delivery times for paper copies are not included in this processing time. Paper copies for students and staff members not participating in the delivery service are deposited on the collection shelves in the lending department.
For MAUSintern delivery is done electronically. An email is sent to the address registered by you in our system. It contains a link into which you must enter your User ID number and the password belonging to it. This enables you to download the article in PDF file format. Alternatively, delivery can be sent as an email attachment. The processing time depends on the location of the required material and can occasionally take longer than 3 working days.
What happens if the order is not supplied?
If it is not possible to fulfil your order, we will inform you of the reasons for non-delivery within the processing time and you will incur no costs.
Who Can Order?
MAUS: All staff members and all students of Marburg University who have an electronic account for the inter-library loan service.
MAUSintern: To order via MAUSintern all you need is a valid user ID with staff member status which you can obtain in the lending department.
How Much Does MAUS Cost?
MAUS costs 8 Euro per article ordered externally, regardless of the delivery method. The fees are deducted directly from your inter-library loan account.
How does MAUS function with literature available in Marburg?
We will copy articles from the holdings of the University Library (all locations) for students for a fee of 2 Euro (deducted directly from your inter-library loan account). If there are no problems with copyright, the article will be delivered electronically. The delivery of articles for staff members is free of charge via MAUSintern.
If you only want to order an article via MAUS if it can be supplied by the University Library, then please indicate this in the comments field on the order form. In every other case any article ordered by you that cannot be supplied from the holdings of the University Library will be ordered from an external library at a cost of 8 Euros.
MAUSintern: If the article you require is not available in the University Library, you have the option of submitting a MAUS order and paying the necessary fee. If you are still interested in ordering the article under these conditions, please enter this in the comments field on the order form.
Have you any further questions? The staff in the document delivery department will be pleased to assist you.
Document delivery: Tel. 06421/28-25135
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Direct Delivery of Documents
Do you have to give a lecture next week and need specialist literature immediately on the subject? Or do you need an article to finish a paper before the approaching deadline for completion?
You can avail of various express delivery services on offer. The required specialist literature can be supplied within a few days or even 24 hours.
The books and articles are delivered to the address specified by you. Documents which have to be returned must be sent back by you personally when the loan period has expired.
Express Delivery Services
Subito is an express document delivery service run by a network of academic libraries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Subito offers a quick and uncomplicated service which enables its customers to order copies of articles in printed journals or copies from books which are then delivered directly to a specified address. It also supports the lending of books.
Other Document delivery Services: British Library Document Supply Centre
Pay-per-View Services from the Publishers in the Electronic Journals Library
The Electronic Journals Library lists journals in library holdings which enable individual articles to purchased electronically directly from the publisher for a fee (pay-per-view). The database is based on the Electronic Journals Library (EZB), a service provided by Regensburg University Library to promote the effective use of specialist online journals.
The pay-per-view services offered on the EZB are supplied to the German library network and constitute a service provided by the copyright owner.
The service is confined exclusively to journals for which the publisher has provided the data necessary for the retrieval of individual documents. The individual publisher is entirely responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the details relating to the pay-per-view service it offers. Please contact the publisher directly regarding any queries you may have about access or purchase of pay-per-view services.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Zeitschriftenaufsätze des Elsevier Verlags
Artikel des Elsevier Verlags können über folgende E-Mailadressen bestellen:
Inter-Library Loan Team
Tel.: +49 6421 28-25142