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Diamond Open Access and other fair Open Science Infrastructure

Philipps-Universität Marburg also supports its researchers by promoting Diamond Open Access and other fair forms of Open Science publishing. These are quality-assured and operated by academic institutions or scieftific societies and represent an alternative to commercial approaches like Article Processing Charges (APC) or Publish & Read Fees (PAR fees). Marburg University Library also provides its own Diamond Open Access infrastructures and participates in the funding of central infrastructure and tools supporting the transition towards Open Access and Open Science.
Diamond Open Access at Marburg University Library
The University Library develops and operates the following Diamond Open Access infrastructures:
- is a technical platform offered by the University Library and based on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software for publishing academic journals. We will be happy to support you in preparing and publishing your own academic journal online.
- Series or other academic publications from your department or institute can be published in Open Access on the University Library's repository.
- Since 2017, the Institute of Media Studies at Philipps-Universität Marburg and the University Library have been operating the subject-specific repository "media/rep/" funded by the DFG.
- Philipps-Universität Marburg recommends that all authors also publish the research data their publications are based on in accordance with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) and link them to the corresponding publications. For this purpose, Marburg University Library provides the institutional research data repository data_UMR.
Collectively Funded Open Access Publishing Initiatives
The University Library supports the following open occess transition projects and diamond open access publishing initiatives:
Academic Journals
- Annual Reviews (2020ff.)
- Thieme journal "Hormone and Metabolic Research" (2020-2023)
- De Gruyter HSS Journals (2022ff.)
- KOALA Social Sciences including the journals "GENDER", "sub\urban", "Open Gender Journal", and "Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung".
Academic Books
- De Gruyter Consortium: Geschichte (2022-2024) and Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft (2021-2023)
- De Gruyter Millennium-Studien (2023-2025) managed by FID Altertumswissenschaften
- Educational Research E-Books (2022-2023) managed by FID Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
- Knowledge Unlatched (KU) Select HSS Books (2019), Communication, Cultural & Media Studies (2020), HSS Journals (2021-2023), Romance Studies (2020-2021), Language Science Press (2021-2026)
- KU Partners: Peter Lang Law (2019-2021)
- Mohr Siebeck IT-Recht (2021-2023)
- Open Library Medienwissenschaft - transcript (2022-2024)
- Open Library Politikwissenschaft - transcript (2020-2022)
- Publication series "Internet und Gesellschaft" by Mohr Siebeck
Further Diamond Open Access Initiatives and Publishers
- Verfassungsblog (2024-2026)
- Open Book Collective (2024ff.): and meson press
Open Science Infrastructures and Networks
The University Library promotes and uses central infrastructure and networks supporting the open access and open science transition:
- Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) (supported via OBC)
- OAPEN Library (supported via OBC)
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): Marburg University Library is a member of the ORCID Germany consortium and integrates the ORCID iD into its publishing platforms and repositories.
- DSpace: Marburg University Library is a member of the DSpace Consortium Germany and is actively involved in the development of the software. The software packages developed by the University Library in cooperation with the University Computing Centre are provided under an open source license via Github.