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Media Centre

The Media Centre is one of the University Library’s central institutions and provides students, researchers and other interested users with access to cross-media service platforms and the professional support to make use of them.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Access to and use of AV Media
The University Library’s audiovisual holdings number ca. 40.000 titles which are available either as a DVD, Blu-ray disc, or VHS cassette, depending on the format. These titles are complemented by an extensive film database.
In addition, the Media Centre holds collections of microfilms, microfiches and gramophone records also available to users.
You can search for holdings available for current use in Katalog Plus.
Depending on the relevant copyright regulations, the Media Centre places the audiovisual media required for semester courses on the reserved reading shelf located at the Help Desk.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Workspaces for viewing, dubbing and editing
Facilities for audiovisual media processing: the Media Centre also has 17 workspaces for viewing, dubbing and editing. Seven of theses are located in individual work booths and ten others in the training room.
Technical instruction and assistance is also available on request.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen PC-Pool and HRZ Help Desk
The PC Pool is at the heart of the Media Centre and consists of 110 computer workspaces. All students, professors and teaching staff require an account log-in set up by the HRZ in order to use these PCs.
The HRZ Help Desk is responsible for answering users’ individual questions. It is also the central point of contact for dealing with IT problems or fault reports which it will try to determine and rectify immediately. If you have forgotten your password, you can have it reset here.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Multi-Function Spaces
The Media Centre in the University Library has two multi-function spaces furnished with low- and medium-threshold equipment and fittings. The permanently installed equipment also includes a track system for spotlights as well as a “Green Screen” curtain.
The mobile video and audio technology equipment enables the production of audiovisual media both inside the studio space and outside the University Library. Portable media equipment specially selected for this purpose can be borrowed at the Help Desk in the Media Centre.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Training and Group Rooms
As well as the two multifunction rooms, there are another 13 group rooms in the Media Centre. Three of these group rooms are equipped with large-format screens in order to provide better-quality conditions for working with audiovisual materials in small groups (4-6 persons).
In addition, a training room with 10 workspaces is incorporated in the Media Centre. This room can be booked and used for media-practical courses by university teaching staff, as well as University Library and HRZ staff.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Multimedia Equipment Lending Service
Students and staff of Marburg University can borrow multimedia equipment such as laptops, projectors, cameras, audio systems, as well as additional accessory equipment and use it mostly free of charge for research and teaching purposes.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen How can I find DVDs, microfilms and video cassettes?
The audiovisual holdings of the University Library number ca. 40.000 titles which can be found and ordered using Katalog Plus. You can receive help on how to find and order audiovisual media at the Help Desk in the Media Centre (First Floor) or at the Service Desk on the Ground Floor.
Tel.: +49 6421 28-25140