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Prof. Dr. Thomas Nauss, President of the University of Marburg

Prof. Dr. Thomas Nauss has been President of the University of Marburg since February 18, 2022. The six-year term ends on February 17, 2028. Re-election is possible.
Curriculum Vitae
- 2022: Assumption of office as President of the University of Marburg
- Since 2021: Member of the research advisory board of the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park
- Since 2020: Founding member of hessian.AI
- 2019-2022: Vice President for Information Management
- since 2011: Professor of Environmental Informatics, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 2009–2011: Professor of Climatology, Universität Bayreuth
- 2005: Doctorate in Geography on satellite-based rainfall retrievals
- 2002–2009: Research associate in the working group Climatology and Remote Sensing, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 1996–2001: Study of Geography, Remote Sensing and Bioclimatology in Munich
Professional Memberships and Services (Selection)
- 2017–2019: Director at the Teacher Training Center, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 2015–2017: Dean of the Department of Geography, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 2015–2017: Chair of the steering group "Marburg Practice Modules" in the project "ProPraxis" of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education
- 2015–2017: Member of the steering group in the project "ProPraxis" of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education
Research Areas
- Spatial sensing of environmental systems through networked sensors, remote sensing, and AI