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The Philipps-University Marburg understands itself as a place where all its members and affiliates meet each other with respect and as equals. To accomplish this there needs to be a sensibility to discriminiation. This is the responsibility of every member of the university community.

On this page you can find out concept, materials and helpful links.

  • Concept

    We understand awareness as a sense of mindfullness and assumption of responsibility of every person in a collective. This can be accomplished for example with interventions in urgent situations, by showing solidarity or by the creation of room which are safe and welcoming.
    Our understanding of awareness is summarized by five points:
    1. Interventions are always free of violence, active and solidary.
    2. The focus is set on people affected by discrimination or violence, not on the offense or the offender.
    3. Each intervention has to respect the boundaries of the affected person(s). There should also be regard towards own boundaries.
    4. It orients on the need of the people affected by discriminatory or offensive behaviour. Not everyone has the same needs. Confidentiality and consent have to be respected.
    5. Attentiveness and proactive behaviour can be helpful to minimise the risk of discrimination (i.e. at the planning of an event).

    We have an holistic understanding of awareness. The focus is not sexualised or gender-specific violence or abusive behaviour. There is also regard to racism, antisemitism, queer and trans* hostility, ableism and other forms of group-focused enmity. Our understanding of awareness measures is not limited to situations like parties. We understand that awareness has to be an integral part of university life to have it's full impact.

    Awareness is an integral part of anti-discrimination and diversity work. Its a central theme for protection against discrimination and prevention thereof. It's the responsibility of every member of the academic community.

  • Material

  • Awareness Bags

    The ADiS can lend you awareness bags. Those contain:

    - Hygiene products (pads and Tampons)
    - First-Aid kit
    - Reusable Cups and Bottles
    - Glucose tablets
    - Paper tissues
    - Stress balls
    - Acupressure rings
    - Earplugs
    - Information material

    You can lend the bags after previous registration for a deposit of 10€ at the ADiS ().

  • Workshops

    There are regular awareness workshops for students. Individual dates can be requested at the ADiS.

  • Safer Spaces

    We understand safer spaces as actual, physical rooms or events for specific groups, but also as a general climate where people are able to feel welcome, safe(r) and a sense of belonging. This can for example be reached by means of public relations like stickers or posters. We are working to expand those, but we want to these existing offers for safer spaces:
    - EStER
    - LGBTIQ meetup for employees (german)
    - Mental health group

  • Sticker

    In cooperation with the anti-discrimination office of the city of marburg we started a sticker campaign. This is strives to be a sign of solidarity with people affected by discrimination and is supposed to show a standart of people or spaces to be sensitive to discrimination.

  • Useful links