Main Content
On this page, you will find information on specific topics. This collection is continuously updated. If you notice that anything is missing, please feel free to contact me.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Change of first name for trans*, inter* and nonbinary persons
Trans*, inter* and nonbinary persons can have their first name and gender changed in their record over Marvin even without a court-executed change of personal information.
To do this, you go to Marvin and click in the upper menu on "Service". Then you go to "Request" and submit the form under "Changes to Personal Data" with you chosen name and gender.Any change to certificates or diplomas is currently only possible after an official name change has been completed.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Removal of barriers to (digital) teaching
The Service Office for Students with Disabilities has compiled various handouts in collaboration with the “v#d - Strengthening Diversity Digitally” project. These are intended to encourage instructors to ensure equal and inclusive participation by all students in digital teaching because students with visual and hearing impairments are particularly dependent on barrier-free teaching and testing formats.
Link to the handouts and information of the Service Office for Students with Disabilities (SBS)Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Protection from discrimination in digital teaching
Digital teaching poses special challenges for all involved. The Office for Anti-discrimination and Diversity has compiled tips for respectful interaction in digital learning spaces and for the protection of personal rights.
For further information on the tips, please contact me.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Gadjé-Racism
Gadjé- Racism is the term for racism against Sinti*ze and Rom*nja. Gadjé means non-Rom*nja and includes all other people. In this section you can find differnt sources of Information about the culture and history of Rom*nja and Sinti*ze.
Here you can find a (german) form to report Gadjé-racism
Here you can find the Homepage of the central council of german Sinti and Roma
Here you can find the digital art gallery "Roma Archive"