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R|Renthof: Buildings and their users
The Physics Department buildings are located in the middle of Marburg’s historic city center. The Gerling observatory is one of the prominent buildings of the Marburg skyline. There are prestigious research groups and special research areas located at Am Renthof. That, too, has tradition. Physics is one of the fields of study that has existed at the Philipps-Universität since its founding in 1527, originally belonging to the Department of Medicine. The great names in Marburg physics range from Denis Papin and Alfred Wegener to Otto Hahn.
Renthof 5
- Fachbereich Physik (FB 13)
- AG Oberflächendynamik (Surface Dynamics)
- AG Oberflächenanalytik (Surface Analytics)
- AG Kernspinresonanz an Oberflächen (NMR at Surfaces)
- AG Quantenchaos (Quantum Chaos)
- AG Didaktik (Teacher Training)
- SFB 1083: Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces
Mainzer Gasse 33
Renthof 7a
- Fachbereich Physik (FB 13)
- AG Halbleiterphotonik (Semiconductor Photonics)
- AG Halbleiterspektroskopie (Semiconductor Spectroscopy)
Renthof 7b
- Fachbereich Physik (FB 13)
- AG Astronomiegeschichte und beobachtende Astronomie (History of Astronomy and Observational Astronomy)
Renthof 7
Renthof 6
- Fachbereich Physik (FB 13)
- AG Komplexe Systeme: Statistik und Dynamik (Complex Systems: Statistics and Dynamics)
- AG Komplexe Systeme: Struktur und Geometrie (Complex Systems: Structure and Geometry)
- AG Vielteilchentheorie (Many Particle Theory)
- AG Vielteilchennumerik (Many Particle Numerics)
- AG Ungeordnete Vielteilchensysteme (Disordered Many Particle Systems)