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Welcome to the XSpaces at the University of Marburg: Experience technology, shape the future!

Here at Philipps-Universität Marburg, innovation becomes reality. Our XSpaces offer access to an impressive range of state-of-the-art technologies that will inspire your creative ideas and take your projects to a whole new level. Your ideas become reality here.
- Computer games: Our XSpaces provide space for computer game researchers and offer the opportunity to develop small prototypes. Immerse yourself in exciting worlds!
- Virtual reality (VR): Step into virtual reality and experience how your surroundings change. Create new realities.
- 3D scan: Capture the world in 3D. Our 3D scanning technology allows you to transform real objects into digital models to study or reproduce them.
- 3D printing: Shape the future with our state-of-the-art 3D printers. Create physical prototypes, models and designs with impressive precision.
- Interactive displays: Our interactive displays bring information to life. Create presentations together, explore data or create an interactive learning experience.
- Multitouch screen table: Our multi-touch screen tables enable collaborative working and learning. Experience the future of interactive working and creative collaboration.
There are no limits to your creativity in the XSpaces at the University of Marburg. Whether you want to develop games, explore worlds, prototype or analyse data, here you will find the tools to turn your visions into reality. This is where technology and innovation come together to turn your ideas into reality.
Welcome to the XSpaces at the University of Marburg!