Main Content
Current figures at a glance
Numbers | Description |
21,162 | students enrolled as of the winter semester 2024-25 (first registration incl. students on leave and in preparatory courses), of which |
12,325 | female (58.2 %) |
8,780 | male (41.4 %) |
29 | other |
28 | no response |
4,652 | international students (22 %) |
2.825 | graduations in the 2024 examination year (winter semester 2023-24 and summer semester 2024, not including doctoral degrees) |
408 | conferral of doctoral degrees in the examination year 2024 |
Degree Programs
Numbers | Description |
205 | degree programs (winter semester 2024-25), of which |
26 | Bachelor‘s programs |
74 | Master‘s programs |
8 | continuing education Master's programs |
1 | “Magister“ program |
21 | teacher degree programs for “Teaching at secondary schools” (Lehramt an Gymnasien) |
4 | “State Examinations” (Staatsexamen) programs |
1 | program with the degree “Ecclesiastical Examinations” (Kirchliches Examen) |
(as of October 2024)
Numbers | Description |
6 | Collaborative Research Centers /Transregios (CRC/TRR, UMR as head university or co-applicant) |
9 | DFG Research Groups (UMR as head university) |
6 | Research Training Groups (UMR as head university) |
4 | LOEWE Centers and Clusters (UMR as head university) |
8 | ERC-Grants |
5 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Postdoctoral Fellowships, Doctoral Networks, Staff Exchanges) |
10 | EU Collaborative Research Projects in Horizon 2020 |
11 | EU Collaborative Research Project in Horizon Europe |
Numbers | Description |
35 % | international doctoral candidates in the winter semester 2023-24 |
7.2 % | completed doctoral degrees by international candidates in the academic year 2022 |
49 % | students who earned their university entry qualification abroad among the first-year students in the academic year 2023 |
466 | students abroad (study or internship) in the winter semester 2022-23 |
1635 | international exchange students in the winter semester 2023-24 |
166 | DAAD Scholarship recipients (not including doctoral candidates) in the academic year 2022, of which |
53 | are abroad (German scholarship recipients) |
113 | are from abroad (international scholarship recipients) |
9 | international degree programs in the academic year 2023 |
321 | Partner Universities within the Erasmus+ Framework, with |
1,294 | mobilities via “Inter-Institutional Agreements” in the academic year 2023 |
129 | bilateral agreements outside the Erasmus+ program in the academic year 2023 |
10 | Humboldt Scholarship recipients in the academic year 2023 |
1 | Humboldt Professorship started in the academic year 2021 |
(number of people as of December 2023)
Numbers | Description |
382 | professors (incl. University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg, UKGM Dept. MR) |
2,032 | faculty (incl. professors, excl. UKGM) |
1,917 | staff (excl. UKGM) |
352 | part-time faculty |
3,999 | total employees |
- 449.4 million € budget (2023), of which
- 104.4 million € third-party funding, other research funding and own income
- 16 departments
- 12 research centers
The facts and figures are from the years 2021 to 2024.