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Sustainability Network
Philipps-University is tackling the sustainable transformation of the campus by creating a Sustainability Network. The Sustainability Office, Sustainability Commission and the Sustainability Officers of the departments and institutions are navigating our path to sustainable transformation together with the Executive Board. This organizational structure enables formats that facilitate implementation at a strategic level as well as operationally, both centrally and decentrally.
Sustainability Commission
The Sustainability Commission serves as a strategic element of the university's sustainability strategy. In addition to the President, it is made up of experts from the administration, the Green Office, the AStA (Student Union), the Staff Council, individual sustainability officers and academics. It is convened by the university management. The Sustainability Office acts as the commission's office.
Sustainability Office
The Sustainability Office connects our organizations and facilities. Together with all university members and the Green Office it drives our sustainability initiatives forward. A team of climate protection experts plans and supports central operational measures and implementation processes. The Sustainability Office works directly with the Executive Board - transformation measures can thus be coordinated and implemented directly with the university management.
You can contact the Sustainability Office here.
Sustainability Officers
Sustainability officers act as local contacts in the departments and institutions and link students and employees of their departments to the central structures. They pool information, disseminate examples of best practice and help employees and students to promote and experience sustainability locally in a coordinated manner.
You can find the list with each department's sustainability officer and a way to contact them here.
DG Hoch N
Since April 2023 Philipps-University is a member of DG Hoch N. A network of over 30 universities in Germany for the interdisciplinary exchange of staff or students. For aspects of sustainability in the areas of research, teaching, transfer or governance tasks as well as the administration and operation of a university. The aim is to work together to promote sustainable development, strengthen participation and transparency and constructively support the transformation process - whether at your own university or in cross-university projects.
You can visit DG Hoch N's website here.