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Alumni Service of Philipps-Universität Marburg

We are pleased that you want to stay in touch with your university.
Are you happy about your successful graduation from Philipps-Universität Marburg and are you leaving for a new phase of your life? Have you studied in Marburg many years ago and have fond memories of your student days?
Perhaps you even spent a semester abroad here? Or researched and taught here for a few years?
As an "alumna" or "alumnus" you belong to the university community even after you have finished your studies or work - no matter how long ago your "Marburg time" was or where you live now: Your time in Marburg establishes a lifelong connection to your alma mater. After all, a living university ultimately always consists of the sum of the people involved.
Philipps-Universität Marburg wants to cultivate contact with its alumni more intensively and develop special offers for graduates and former employees. In the Alumni Newsletter you will always be informed about current developments at Philipps-Universität.
We are happy to receive your ideas, suggestions and feedback - please contact us!