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Information for First Semester Students
Rev. 17 September 2021
Information on the course of the (digital) summer semester can be found in the following sections as well as on the introductory pages of the university or the respective departments.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Vaccination for students
Information about vaccinations for students can be found on these pages.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Psychological support
The corona crisis presents an unfamiliar challenge and psychological burden for many people. Counseling and support services can help manage daily life and protect mental health. In addition, they can provide help in acute crisis situations.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Introductory Week/Orientation Unit (OE)
There is a wide range of information on the Introductory Week / Orientation Unit (OE). In addition, many departments have prepared welcome letters which you have received either directly with your enrolment or by e-mail. If you have any questions, please contact your study program's respective student advisor.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information Brochure "New at the University of Marburg"
In the information brochure "New at the University of Marburg" you will find all important information about the beginning of your studies at the Philipps-University Marburg. You can download the brochure via this informational page.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Your "students"-Account
The features of your "students" account are explained in this video.
Please note that your "students"-account is the official medium of communication between you and the Philipps-University. You can find all relevant information on this informational page about the user account for students.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen IT Services for Students
Information on using the IT services and the student account can be found in the PDF flyer "IT-Dienste für Studierende" (in German) or "IT-Services for students" (in English).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Using the PC Pools
Information on using the PC pools in times of Corona can be found on this informational page of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Using the Libraries
Information on using the libraries in the context of the current situation can be found on this informational page of the University Library.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information about the U-Card
Information about the U-Card, the cashless payment system (e.g. for using the copiers) can be found on this informational page of the Student Services (Studentenwerk).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Map of the University
The location map for university buildings can be found here.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information on Digital Tools/Learning Platforms
The learning platform ILIAS is the central medium for providing educational content. Information and technical requirements for using ILIAS can be found on this informational page of the University Computer Center (HRZ).In addition to ILIAS, the platform k-MED is also used in Department 20 (Medicine). Information on k-MED can be found here.
The Marburg administration and information system of the Philipps-University Marburg contains the course catalogue as well as further information on the respective courses of the departments. In addition, registration and deregistration for courses can be carried out here. Depending on the department, you can also manage your exams here.
You can access MARVIN with your student account via this website.
Instructions and tips on how to use MARVIN can be found on the YouTube channel of the University of Marburg in the section Philipps tips. First information on MARVIN is provided in the video This is Marvin.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information on Video and Web Conferences
The services currently used for teaching are BigBlueButton and CiscoWebEx.
Information on BigBlueButton can be found on the pages of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
Please also take notice of the "Regulations and information regarding web conferences and data privacy" that have been published on the page of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
Videos with instructions on how to use BigBlueButton can be found in this collection of tutorials.
Technical requirements for the use of digital content are described on this informational page of the University Computer Center (HRZ).
In general, you will need a PC/laptop with an up-to-date browser (recommended: Chrome, Chromium or Firefox) as well as a headset (or loudspeaker and microphone), possibly a webcam.Would you like to use your smartphone for video conferencing and to retrieve ILIAS content? You can find out how to do this on this ILIAS informational page.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Preventing Discrimination in Digital Teaching
Digital teaching is particularly challenging for all those involved. The Anti-Discrimination Office has compiled guidelines for respectful interaction with one another in digital learning spaces and the protection of personal rights. You can access these guidelines here.
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